Best Generic Adderall Brands (Page 36) (Top voted first)


Is the round pink 30 mg Adderall generic name Sandoz/Eon with the markings of CDR 136 on one side more or less effective than the oval orange 30 mg Adderall generic name Barr/Teva with the markings of b974 on one side and 30 on the other side? What is the most effective/potent Adderall that is generic and 30 mg?

741 Replies (38 Pages)

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TEVA is the worst. 2 attempts with 2 different strength teva tablets were a miserable and expensive failure.

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Hello. The sunpharma is actually really good. Its backordered right now. Get it while you can.
I prefer it over anything. Dont be alarmed by the texture of it neither or how it dissolves quick.

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Hamster (# 598) --

Please report back on the mylans!! Lol i am about to get my script filled tomorrow ^_^

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Re: The Dude (# 604) Expand Referenced Message

Did u ever try the new Sandoz formula for 30mg? If so is it working. If not, have u found any brand that has remotely worked recently? Someone please help if u know of any brand in any mg or IR or XR that is working post about it. I just got diagnosed two weeks ago and am on Teva IR 10mg (trying to find my right dose) and had horrible side effects and feel worse fog brain and has made my symptoms worse overall. I felt speedy one time and thought there was maybe a potential hope that it would mellow out and help me focus but just felt speedy one dose and all other doses have done nothing! I’m worse than before and can’t get nothing done and am a stay at home mom. Please help!

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Re: steve (# 641) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve just started taking L-tyrosine before my morning dose and after my afternoon. After all of the MIND NUMBING research I’ve done (as have you all, no doubt), the tyrosine seemed to be more beneficial to me based on my endocrine diseases...BUT...sadly, my thyroid being dis functional isn’t as important to me as MY MIND AND BODY being COMPLETELY DISFUNCTIONAL! Any thoughts on the supplement situation or any other augmentation options?

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I've taken both adderall and vyvanse and honestly think the vyvanse last longer they have less side effects so I'd def say try the vyvanse

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I know this message is almost 2 years old, hopefully you have it all taken care of. BUT in case this is still a hassle for you, try Vyvanse. It is a pretty unbelievable medication. It's designed in a way where it doesn't give you that instant 'euphoria' like Adderall does. It's very smooth, almost unnoticeable if you aren't thinking about it but you will realize a very significant difference in terms of your ability to function and focus on tasks with such ease, compared to doing so without it.

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I am a snowbird and can't get adderall in Florida, prescription a problem so I run out mid winter

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Cvs switched to mylan i had every generic teva is my favorite n i take clonazepam n found teva better too. Teva the best then corepharma or sandoz malicolt mylan all terrible headaches tevas are the smoothest then corepharma there just weaker imo kpins i like teva then qualitest but i switched from teva to qualitest no drop off the sandoz are ok just not as good but i wont take mylan watson i try to get teva all teva meds i had work great mylan stink i try to get sandoz synthoid the mylans just are weaker.

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Less is more . Oh ,lol but it does say here to please be detailed when writing a message .

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I really don't think there is a brand that starts with a "V". There is "non stimulant" alternative by the name of Vyvanse.

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I just had the same thing happen to me in Augusta ga at my Kroger. I was on the darker pink 30 mg. I only took have and have a hugeneral headache and chest hurts. What's the best one. The pink did not do this either and worked for me.

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Vybannse seems to work much much better for me !! 60mgs. And they last much longer without a bad come down . They also aren't going to give you different generics of it ??

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Hi I have been on Adderall for 24 years 30mg 2 times a day. My Psychiatrist always told me never get the generic brand it is not the same and it isn't. All pharmacists say it is the same but don't believe it! If you have to get the generic or the brand get the oval shaped peach color tabs I think for the brand the name is Teva not positive on this.

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Does anyone actually like Aurobindo? In my area (Chicago suburbs) all of a sudden there is an Adderall shortage AND most places have either Aurobindo or Texas. Now, Teva, used to make me sleepy and didn't help my focus at all ! I absolutely loved Corepharm/Impax and did find the Adderall 30s at a Kmart 20 miles away but they are giving me all kinds of trouble, first needing to call my doctor to verify and now today saying it needs preauthorizationo from my insurance (it has been tied up in appeals because one day my insurance stopped covering it and my doctor managed to mess up the preauthorization paperwork) but the pharmacist is telling me I can't pay cash if I have insurance..which is absolutely ridiculous because I had been doing this at Jewel-Osco ! So, I ended up just getting the 20s Aurobindo and waiting on the 30s until tommorow, when the "pharmacy manager" would be in. What do you guys think of Corepharm vs. Aurobindo and has anyone ever heard of Sun Adderal or Malinknot? There is a pharmacy about 15 miles away that carries those 2 but I am finding negatives only about Malinkot and nothing about Sun.

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Just picked up last order of Corepharma 30 mg before supply chain has been exhausted. They are great and I will miss them. Not sure what I will order next month??

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Riteaid I believe you can call and check or mom and pop pharmacies maybe

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Overall, generics fall short of Brand adderall. Just had prescription filled with Aurobindo regular adderall, and first day, it produced better results than brand. No headaches, confusion, or hyperness. Focus was great, and I felt great. Only side affect was getting to sleep late, but I picked up dispenced script at 5pm (its a new script for afternoon booster if needed after morning 30mg IR - brand). Perhaps its just new and this will change - will report back after 30 days - so far, autobindo gets an "A".

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The Barr/ Teva has more Amph and is smooth but doesnt do the the trick like Sandox which appears to have more Dex

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The barr brand for sure.
Even round 30 mg are horriable

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