Benzoin Tincture Forums
Recently active Benzoin Tincture forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Benzoin Tincture and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.tincture benzoin spray ## Benzoin Tincture is used externally in the form of a tincture, diluted with water as a mild stimulant and antiseptic in irritable conditions of the skin. It acts as a carminative when taken internally is rapidly absorbed, and mildly expectorant diuretic and antiseptic to the urinary passages. In the form of Compound Tincture of Benzoin, it is used as an inhalant with steam in laryngitis and bronchitis. It is a preservative of fats, and is used for that purpose in Adips Benzoatus. More information: ## I've had them before and didn't think it was any good. It was pink then. I had one and I thought it looked like gaviscon.
Friar's balsam compound benzoin tincture. Who is the manufacturer? What are all of the ingredients? I have used Rougier's for some time and cannot find it in the USA. ## Friar's Balsam is actually the name of the manufacturer. A 4oz Friar's Balsam 'Benzoin Compound' contains the following ingredients: Siam Benzoin resin (Styrax tonkinensis) Storax balsam (Liquidambar orientalis) Balsam of Tolu (Toluifera balsamum) Balsam of Peru (Toluifera pareiræ) Cape Aloe leaf latex (Aloe ferox) Myrrh tears (Commiphora abyssinica) Angelica root (Angelica archangelica) Aromatic exudate harvested from trees Certified Organically Grown I hope this helps to answer your question! ## David, I disagree that Friar's is the manufacturer. The Friar's Balsam Compound B...