Benefits Of Conzace Vitamins (Top voted first)


My white blood cell count is falling. Can Conzace help?

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I wanna take Conzace, but I must know where I can get it from if I decide to go for it?

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Hello Tibot,

I was reading the benefits and intended uses of Conzace on the manufacturers website and nowhere does it claim to raise white blood cell counts. This product is simply a multivitamin and while it contains vitamin C which is associated with improving your bodies ability to fight off diseases it does not directly impact the white blood count.

This vitamin contains the following ingredients according to the manufacturer's website, Vitamin A 5000 IU, Vitamin E 100 IU, Vitamin C 500 mg, Zinc 25 mg.

I hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

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I'm 19 years old and some of my hair is falling out in the front. Will Conzace help me with this?

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Re: nick (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, Have you ever seen or heard about the shampoo named "Dove", use it as to help your hair grow. It can also help to prevent hair falling. Men's hair is actually weaker than women.

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I want to conceive, and I am taking FolGravid with Conzace vitamins at the same time, is that ok? I am a working wife traveling 1 hour from home to the office via public transportation and most often standing. My husband is taking Conzace too and a working husband also.

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