Benadryl Allergy Sinus Headache Forums

Recently active Benadryl Allergy Sinus Headache forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Benadryl Allergy Sinus Headache and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I can't find the green Benadryl Allergy Sinus Headache anywhere. Did the box change? Where can I find it? ## I'm not familiar with the box, so I can't say whether or not it has changed. However, from looking it up, it seems that it contains Acetaminophen, Diphenhydramine and Phenylephrine, so what you'll want to look for is a Benadryl product, or even one from a different company that contains those same ingredients. Learn more Acetaminophen details here. Learn more Diphenhydramine details here. Learn more Pheylephrine details here. Have you tried asking your pharmacist to help you find it?

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