Being On Riesperidone Along With Side Effects (Top voted first)


I've been on risperidone for 12 to 13 months since march 2010. I had a stress induced nervous breakdown and went through pyschosis. During that time, I had alot of deep thoughts which I was hiding inside not telling anyone. I was afraid of the feeling of no one truly understanding what I was going through at the time. Also not being able to find the right answer to help with desperate feelings. After going through pyschosis, I was taken to the ER anf they found it wasn't due to mishaps of the chemicals in my brain, just due to stress. I was hallucinating and in a state of unreality. I felt that I was in this unkown place and time. After months of therapy and finding more natural ways of reducing stress like talking to someone about my issues, writing, healthier eating habits and physical activity, I'm learning to better manage my time and my feelings. Now apr 11, I believe Im experince side effects that are cutting into me being "me". Sometimes my face feels lifeless and I don't feel like talking as much as I use to. The drug risperidone has treated me for what I needed it for, but does anyone think this would be the right time to get off this drug? Comments...

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THose can be normal side effects for antipsychotic medications, such as Risperidone.

Have you discussed it with your doctor? There are really the only person that would be able to advise you on whether you can lower the dose or discontinue the medication.

In reality, it really isn't safe to just suddenly stop taking it, because this could cause rebound effects, which can be more severe than the problems you started taking it for, so these types of medications are usually gradually tapered.


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