Be Very Cautious Mixing Alcohol With Viibryd!! (Page 4) (Top voted first)


This is a warning to you all... A little bit about me first: I'm 6'3" and only 130 pounds. Naturally I am very susceptible to side effects of any drug. I also didn't have my first taste of alcohol until October 2011, which is when I turned 23.

Throughout November 2011 I took Cymbalta. I also drank occasionally, but not often and not much. Cymbalta gave me a lot side effects such as an upset stomach, dizzyness, inability to sleep, etc. About mid-December I switched to Prozac, and took it through February. Throughout this time I drank a lot. Very often, and sometimes I'd get incredibly drunk, but I didn't have any bad experiences with mixing Prozac and alcohol. At the beginning of March 2012 I started taking Viibryd because Prozac wasn't giving me the results I desired. The first time I drank while taking Viibryd was on March 14th. That night was also my first and only ride in an ambulance. I drank a good bit of alcohol that night, but it wasn't the most I've ever drank. I also drank a little too fast. I ended up throwing up everything, then stomach juices, then dry heaving all the way to the hospital.

Since then I've only gotten drunk once while on Viibryd, and I did it slowly. I took about 10 shots of vodka but over a four hour period. I didn't feel any bad effects that night, and thought that maybe if I was just careful with my drinking that I could still get drunk while taking Viibryd. But the next day I was miserable. After havingstopped drinking at 11pm the night before, I was still drunk at 8am and unable to drive. The entire day I was sick and on the verge of passing out. I couldn't function at all. And the effects even carried over slightly to the following day.

I would just like to warn you all. It wouldn't suprise me at all if someone could end up dead due to an accident of mixing Viibryd and alcohol...

108 Replies (6 Pages)

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I'm glad this discussion board has become useful for everyone. I'm a little late to update but I think I should share a couple more of my experiences with Viibryd. I've always stopped taking Viibryd, back in July, but ever since then I've had constipation problems. They're aren't absolutely terrible but I ended up going to a gastroenterologist and he said the Viibryd could possibly still be affecting. Also it could be my new medication. But most importantly, in May I had a bad experience with mixing Viibryd with a painkiller. I had some left over hydrocodone cough syrup from a flu I had a year back. My throat was hurting one night and I had a headache so I took a *suggested* dose of the cough syrup. I did NOT take more than the suggested dose. And I ended up passing out in a restroom in a restaurant. I hit my head on tile floor and vomited. I went to the hospital and the doctor explain that Viibryd can sometimes cause a lack of blood vessel constriction that naturally occurs when you stand up in order to keep your blood pressure up. So basically, getting up to go to the bathroom caused a lack of blood to my brain. I never took a painkiller with Viibryd after that.

Well anyway, I'm now taking 300mg of Wellbutrin and 10mg of prozac and they're working quite well. Honestly not *quite* as well as Viibryd made me feel, but good...

I hope you all have good luck with Viibryd. It works great... it's just so dangerous...

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In response to Maria, and many other about the added weight from Viibryd:

I shot up 15 pounds when I started taking Viibryd, and wasn't a big deal for me because I'm really skinny anyway. The fat however, was pretty grotesque. It was very pudgy and all went to my stomach. But anyway, I stopped taking Viibryd in July and now, in December my weight has gone back down 15 pounds. It may be coincidence but it seems that I've got my old stomach back. So I guess I'm saying there is hope that if you stopped taking Viibryd now you could lose the weight naturally. But again, it coudl be coincidental. I obviously can't promise anything.

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nothing wrong with a bigger ass ;) lmao

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I am trying to get off, I do not want to be on any medication that has such terrible withdrawals. I don't even know why I am depressed anymore. I lowered my dose from 40 to 20mg last few days, felt terrible today wanted to cry but had no specific reasons? As for weight gain, this medication did not efect my weight at all, actually i was going to the gym and whatnot built quite the 8-pack abs. Now 3 months out of the gym and not dieting, for the first time in my life my stomach is unnatractive and kind of fat. But I blame it on the late night munchies from smoking. add me on facebook I would like to talk to more of you about it {edited for privacy}.

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Be extremely cautious while drinking and on Viibryd. I'm 18, a freshman in college, and decided to go out and drink, warning my friends to keep an eye on me because I didn't know how I would react. The first time I had a four loko, some mixed drinks, and like 3 shots. I felt great, woke up the next morning still drunk. I didn't even get that bad of a hangover when I sobered up.
I drank another night and felt good still. About a week later while back in school I felt very stressed and anxious so we upped my dose from 30 to 40 mg.
Then while back I drank some more, getting drunk very very fast. Now, after it has been a week since I last drank I'm very anxious, mood swings, and jumpy. Feeling very depressed at night, not eating much. I'm not sure if its my finals or the meds. I think my blood pressure is high too and I feel a bit reckless. Going to the doctors when I get home. Hopefully he can tell me something I can do. I would like to be able to drink and not worry about my meds.

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I can't take it in the morning - I have to eat a lot of food before I take it and even then I feel sick for hours.

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I just started taking Viibryd a few days ago. Havent had too many side effects. Just an upset stomach. That may be because I take it on an empty stomach. I tend to go out drinking 2-3 days a week. Everything you guys are saying is really scaring me : ( Also, I have epilepsy and I keep reading you are not supposed to be taking this medicine if you have a seizure disorder. I was prescribed this by my neurologist who diagnosed me with epilepsy. I am confused by this....

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With the d_ope'rative word being "mixing"! Many folk nowadays are as equally "mixed-up" in their thinking as are their thinks..err..drinks! Why do people consume alcohol? Presumably to place themselves into a state[stupor?] of feeling better in themselves, exactly where the alcohol -- once consumed -- ends up, in themselves. This same desire of wanting to feel better is the reason that people feel the need -- and are advi$ed -- to consume drugs[whether they're prescribed or not], so why doesn't every container of alcohol have a wise warning on its label clearly stating that consumers of alcohol should not in any circumstances take any drugs whilst they are consuming alcohol? If the alcohol is going to make them veritably feel better then there'll be no need to throw any drugs into the "mix"! If either one[alcohol or drug] was a necesssary adjunct to the other then they'd be already premixed for you in the right proportion to save you the bother of having to concoct it yourself, then when you started to feel a bit down in health, and thought that by taking a "ground powder" you'd soon come good, you could just take some "t_alc'ohol"[reg.] prevent any possibility of your ever biting the "dust"!

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My son is 23, 5ft 11inches tall and weighs 145 lbs. He is on 20 mg of viibryd. He works full time and goes to school 3 evenings a week. He started drinking about a half a pint of rum per night about 2 months ago. Tonight at about 1am he was at his desk and passed out and was unresponsive, I called an ambulance and he was taken to the hospital, his blood alcohol was 258, is it possible that the Viibryd somehow elevates the alcohol content? The Dr said that if he had consumed much more alcohol death would be a real possibility. I no longer allow alcohol in my home. He also suffers from severe hangovers the next day, when he gets hungry, he has to eat immediately or he is in agony. We are going to keep a close eye on him to be sure that he does not drink. This was a very scary situation for my wife and I and I hope someone reads this and realizes the danger, it's no joke

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Anyone who drinks 10 shots in 4 hours will still feel drunk the next morning. That is a BAC of .194 which is more than double the legal limit for driving. I'm not contradicting your opinion that mixing alcohol and Viibryd is dangerous, but you drank a dangerous amount for any person.

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Kelly, I also have a panic disorder, and have been looking for feedback. I started this med today and It is good to hear something positive. Do you have any side effects?

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I have gained weight too, and this drug was supposed to be weight neutral. I am almost positive the drug is to blame because I have been exercising and staying strictly on Weight Watchers and the weight keeps inching up instead of going down which is really unusual for me. Gained about 10 pounds in 6 months and I am going to quit taking it (gradually). Don't think it is helping that much, and I hate the weight gain! (on another site someone said they gained 85 pounds in six months - hard to believe, but I do believe it puts on the pounds).

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This response is to Daniel. I am so sorry that you got sick and had to go to the hospital, but a person could end up dead mixing 10 shots of Vodka with a lot of different drugs, not just Viibryd, so please be careful. Not here to lecture because I drink too, but 10 shots is a lot, especially for someone your size. Please consider tapering off a bit. It seems to me that maybe Viibryd isn't working all that well for you if you are still feeling the need to drink that much? Just a guess. Take care!

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I had the same feelings! Are you on a full 40 mgs? If so talk to your doctor and maybe decrease the dose! I had colonipin to help, but still had the shaky feeling, so I dropped my milligrams down to 30. If you have never tried any other meds you might want to give Effexor xr a try!

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I have been taking Viibryd for a long time now. I am a junior in college and I have never drunk whatsoever but suddenly I want to go out and get drunk. Maybe it's because I have so many people around me drinking alcohol but I just want to experience alcohol. Viibryd has always worked for me but I don't know if it has created a craving for alcohol or if it is just the college environment.

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I'm not a drinker AT ALL but on 2 occasions since I started taking viibryd I drank and no matter how much I drank I did not get drunk. Yes, very very strange. I'm older and yes I've been drunk and know what it's like to feel tipsy/buzzes etc. I got tired and my eyes were bloodshot but I NEVER felt impaired. I also take lamictal. Has anyone heard of this????? (Yes I know I shouldn't drink on medication)

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I am a 40 year old female, I recently started Viibyrd, today I am on Day 10 of the (tri-pack) inwhich Im now up to 20 mg. I am not a heavy drinker, but; before i started taking Viibryd i would drink a glass of wine just to relax after a hard day at work. Would drinking a glass of wine every now and then harm me?

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You know everybody handles antidepressants differently because we are all different. My experience with ViiBryd is positive even with alcohol. I'm almost out of my first week with it and almost immediately it started to work after the second dose. I did have the sh#*s after the first day. I do feel just fine drinking Evan Williams with it. And the energy I get from it is amazing. I am also experienceing It seems as someone said in a previous post that food is more filling

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My pcp prescribed Viibryd 40mg after 2days and i feel completely irritavle, my entire body aches, more so in all my joint and I feel like I want to rip my hair out. I've been on quite a few antidepressants but nothing ever made me feel like this. I only get these effects after I've taken the Viibryd and it lasts for hours. I was at the gym doing intense cardo as well, and I felt like my heart was giving up on me.I went to the locker room to compose myself, and had no more energy to lift weights. I've only taken 40mg for two days, think imma stop. Hopefully there eont be amy withdrawl from it.

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I tapered down to 10mg from 40 and the weight gain has stopped. Told my doctor I thought the drug caused it and she said "anything that increases serotonin can cause you to gain weight". So, I'm pretty sure the drug caused it.

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