Baytril Forums
Recently active Baytril forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Baytril and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Please help identify tan round pill, four scored with B in one corner and 68 in another or if turned could be an 86, scored on one side only. tan with tiny white specles. Thanks so much ## The area this pill was found in is New Jersey. Again, it's a fairly large four scored pill with B in one corner and 68 in another. It is tan with very tiny white speckles. If the pill were turned it could be 98. It is scored on one side only. Thank you. ## I'm sorry, but I can't find any listings for this in our U.S. prescription drug resources, I also don't see any other posts about it on our site. With such an unusual marking, it leads me to suspect that it is either an over the counter item, or a foreign medication. Does anyone recognize this tablet? ## Its a antibiotic for dogs ## ...
Need to know what pill this is. It's round with 2 scores like to break in fourths, the top left has a capitol B and lower right has the number 23 its dark brown or purple in color and the back is empty no markings. ## I found one of these as well and can't seem to find what it is anywhere online! ## I have this too, from my vet for my cat. It has written on the envelope Bixytril but that is a guess because its scribbled. It was given for a wound infection. ## It's Baytril, a dog/ cat antibiotic. Generic form is enrofloxacin. Hope this helps ## This is an antibiotic that vets use called baytril - my cat is a male and prone to bladder and urinary tract infections as well as kidney stones. I've never had them prescribe any other antibiotic So know this pill oh so well. If y...
veterinary use only ## I would like to know what this drug Baytril is used for in pets? It was prescribed to my dog after bladder surgery. ## It's an antibiotic. Baytril Click Here ## It is an antibiotic. My dog takes it for a severe ear infection that nothing else was touching. In your case it was likely to prevent infection.
I ordered Baytril-5mg for my dog and got Comneslone-5 - is this right? Is it compatible? ## Hello, Jay! How are you? No, Baytril is listed by the FDA as containing Enrofloxacin, which is an antibiotic. However, Comneslone is listed as containing Prednisolone which is a steroid class medication. The antibiotic is used to treat bacterial infections and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin and diarrhea (Yes, even in dogs) and the steroid is used to treat allergic reactions, swelling and immune disorders, its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes and fluid retention. What is your dog being treated for? ## Is comneslone 5 a steroid like effects or my older dog with chonic narrowed breathing tube ## Does anyone h...
Dark purple round and imprinted is a cross (fourths) with H in the first section and directly opposite is a 4 in the opposite section ## Hi bre, From what I could gather, the round cross-scored purple pills you have marked with "H 4", are reportedly identified as an older version of Baytril (enrofloxacin); prescribed as an antibiotic for cats and dogs. For verification, the manufacturer is listed as Bayer Corp. and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 99999000521 Please feel free to post back if you have any other questions about this!
Baytril ## would an injection of enrofloxin eliminate side effects ## This is a medication, of the antibiotic class, used primarily in Veterinary care, so therefore, I do not have any information on it, sorry. ## I received generic meds for Baytril...enrofloxacin? A small, light beige pill w/no markings. Is this the generic for Baytril Rx-felines?