Basaglar Forums

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I am a type 2 diabetic and I'm taking other diabetic meds along with Invocana. I'm taking other meds, such as Basaglar, and Victosa. Do these drugs interact negatively with the other diabetic drugs I'm taking? ## Hello Ladd, I was able to find 2 interactions between the medicines you listed. I have put both of them below. Basaglar (insulin glargine) -> Victoza (liraglutide) Using liraglutide together with insulin glargine can increase the risk of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Let your doctor know if you experience hypoglycemia during treatment. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nervousness, confusion, tremor, nausea, hunger, weakness, perspiration, palpitation, and rapid heartbeat. Basaglar (insulin glargine) -> Invokana (canaglifl...

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