Bactrim Side Effects (Page 8)
UpdatedI am curious if anyone else has had any of these side effects from taking bactrim. My mouth is so swollen with blisters all inside my it has started to affect my private area as well with same symptoms. I cant eat and it burns all day long. I only took 4 pills when this started. Please help if you can.
I have been put on Bactrim for 2 weeks. I'm on my 8th day now, but I start having a headache, dizziness and stomach pain a little bit. Also, when with some foods I eat, my stomach will start burning. I was given this for a bladder infection. Should I still take them for two weeks? I take it twice a day. What must I do?
ask your doctor. I took Bactrim for what was diagnosed as a urinary tract infection. Turned out I didnt have an infection after all but I had a terrible reaction to Bactrim which landed me in the ER. Terrible headache, throwing up, rash, etc. As a result of the ER misdiagnsing me with a UTI, it complicated things...and kept getting worse and worse. Bactrim is a sulfa drug. I sure hope you call your dr soon.
My PCP gave me Diflucan for a week along with Prednisone and Marys Mafic mouthwash for a week. Honestly, I don't think it helped with the healing of the blisters. Looking back, I think the Bactrim could have taken me out. The burns in my mouth finally healed, but it took 3 long weeks, a 10.2 lb wt loss, and getting so weak, I just laid all day every day. The Mary's Magic mouthwash was the only thing that kept me out of the ER. The pain was worse than childbirth. I will NEVER take Bactrim or any sulfa drug again. I'm so sorry anyone else is having to live through this. It was AWFUL.
Why does sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim DS cause a sore throat? Is this side effect a warning sign or just annoying?
Re: Karen (# 81)
I been taking bactrim for a few weeks and not once did I get any kind of reaction.
Yes, it is common if you read this thread. I'm pretty sure Bactrim tried its best to kill me. My doctor advised that I never take it again. Even after d/c the Bactrim, it took my mouth 3 weeks to finally clear up. My thinking is that if Bactrim causes eruptions and lesions in your mouth and downstairs, our insides probably are in the same shape as what is visual. Bactrim is your worst nightmare if you are allergic to it. If your doctor tells you these aren't side effects, it's b/c the drug companies do not detail doctors on ALL the side effects of medications. I think when I call my doc to report the problems, I don't think he believed it was as bad as I described. He called in meds. A week later when I was NO better, I walked into his office to let him put an eye on my mouth. He is quiet and demure, but looked inside my mouth and said, "OH, MY GOD, HOW have you lived with this?" I said, "I tried my BEST to tell you how bad this was. I lost 10 pounds in just one week, and I didn't have it to lose. Please report your reaction to the company!!!
I was just on this medicine. I got the whole 9 yards in reactions. From vaginal bleeding( not period) nose blisters cold chills instantly sweat cant eat loss appetite constantly puking body aches want to sleep and a cough (so hard it releases urine wont be taking this med anymore got switched to cepalexin for UTI
I just stopped taking bactrim ds (stopped it week ago because of side effects actually). Got a spider bite on shoulderblade that turned into a huge infection blah blah... Had IV antibiotics at ER and was prescribed Keflex and Bactrim DS... So wasnt sure WHICH medication was causing me to be so ITCHYYYYYY at 1st !...unbearably itchy.
(palms, top of hands/fingers, bottom of feet and all over arms). Very tiny blisters formed all over my arms, hands, fingers and a few on chest. The itching was so bad that i basically itched he tops off all the teeny blisters. So now my arms and hands are covered in little perfectly round scabs that wont go away (because they continue to be itched in my sleep i think. And a few i got by mistake just living life). It looks like someone took a miniature hole puncher and punched tiny holes all over my arms/hands ?? I am a massage therapist and so far noone has said anything but i LOOK like i have something wrong w me that could be really sucks and i have no idea how to heal these scabs now.
Re: Dominique (# 9)
I had I have lymphedema legs and I went to the hospital because breaking all out they said I have a yeast infection on my legs and sent me home with a prescription 4 powder come they gave me to put on it but I also took the bactrim. After taking the bactrim I just started breaking out all over big blisters on my butt & in between my legs. I'm waiting for the doctor to come in the morning. I think that bactrim is so strong it's making my lips swollen and cracked. I pray I get better.
I have ITP and was given Bactrim once a day to prevent infection. My platelets kept giving me trouble and couldn't figure out why. Two years later, I went to a doctor that told me it was Bactrim doing it. I was admitted into hospital clinically dead. 1 Platelet! I was bled to death under skin from IPT. It never gave me blisters.
Yes the same thing is happening to me minus the private area. My mouth, tongue and throat are coved in ulcers(sores). I went to my PCP today and they prescribed my lidocaine which is supposed to numb the pain for 6 hours. It lasts for about 15 minutes. I can't eat or sleep. The pain is unbearable. I only took 4, maybe 6 pills at most. There is a horrible medical condition called SJS that is correlated with this drug too.
I accidentally took a double dose of Bactrim DS. What should I do now? Is it very harmful to me?
I haven't had the blasts but Bactrim messed up my body so bad I ended up in ER twice, as well as the cardiologist office, and a host of the symptoms. Never been so sick in my life. It affected the electrical part of my heart. OMG too much to explain but I will NEVER take it again or any other kind of sulfur drug. Period.
I was prescribed Bactrim on Saturday for a UTI and took my first dose a few hrs ago. Now I have extremely itchy hands, feet and the rest of my body. Nothing I do is helping to alleviate the itching. No rash has formed as far as I can tell.
Omggg I will never take Bactrim in my entire life ever again this antibiotic has takin me to the hospital twice it's very dangerous I have swollen lesions in my vsgina area that hurts like hell I have to sit in warm water everyday to urinate I cried everyday this drug is the devil and I will never take it AGAIN
Re: Mimi (# 143)
I am in very bad pain from this drug it's really the devil like I have been crying for days like my vagina is. Blistered up and hurts very bad
I’m 23 weeks pregnant and the doctor prescribed me SMZ/TMP DS 800-160. The pharmacists said it's not safe to take but the doctor said yes. What would be my best chose? Should I take it or not?
I have genital and oral herpes, so when I took my first dose of Bactrim and developed blisters inside my mouth, I assumed it was just a herpes outbreak. Even though, I had never experienced an outbreak like this in all the 6 years since my herpes diagnosis. My lips swelled 3 days after taking 1 single 800mg Bactrim dose and slowly a pink rash developed around my lips, that same day little blisters popped up on my lips and I began experiencing vaginal itching and what I felt was the beginning of a genital herpes outbreak. Let me tell you, it looked just like a horrible herpes outbreak. Well, the sores on my vagina became worse over the course of the rest of the day...when I woke up the next morning to go pee... IT FELT LIKE SOMEONE CUT INTO PARTS OF MY VAGINA AND WAS JUST POURING EVERY POSSIBLE ACID IN THERE! I have had a terrible UTI before and prior genital outbreaks but let me tell you, this was the absolute worst pain I have EVER encountered in my life. I resorted to filling a cup of warm water to pour over my sores while I peed. This marginally helped. Me thinking it was a horrendous outbreak begun heavy dosing Lysine and Monolaurin. I'd take tramadol for the pain. I applied lidocaine to the sores but unlike any other outbreak, the medicine would last maybe 5 minutes this time compared to the hours it would usually aid me. No fever, no body rash.
Well flash forward 1 month and a half down the line, which would be right now in the present. On Saturday at 11AM I feel like I am getting a UTI (very slight retention) so I take 1 single dose of the 800mg Bactrim. Well within 7 hours my lips have swollen and I get the most absolutely severe vaginal itching I have ever experienced. It was making me jump! I was running all over the place out of desperation. I assume it's a terrible yeast infection and get OTC yeast treatment and take a bunch of benadryl. It didn't help. The itching is getting worse both on my lips and my vagina. Next day, the itching has subsided substantially and it's still itchy but I can ignore it. It hurts to walk because of the sores I now have in my vagina. It's starting to burn when I pee, so this time these affects are progressing much quicker. No sores or blisters in or around my mouth, just very swollen, ocassionally itchy lips. It was this time that I linked the Bactrim to what I was experiencing. I have never had a month to month outbreak and after my first outbreak of barely being infected with herpes, I have never had both oral and genital outbreaks ay the same time in the 6 years since. My oral outbreaks are extremely mild and my lips have never become swollen before. I wish I would've made this connection before I took the Bactrim again.
The slight retention I had from what I thought was a UTI was so so much better than this hell I know I'm about to experience again. No skin rash, no fever or sore throat. I went to the ER because I knew what was awaiting me and all the doctor did was prescribe Benadryl and an anti-fungal cream. She didn't take my lips or vaginal symptoms seriously at all. She actually said "I'm don't know if that's an allergy". At that point I just thanked her and waited for my discharge papers because I knew she was just going to think I'm looney if I pressed it since she had already made up her mind. I forgot to mention I also have rectal itching. My pee is starting to burn my sores, I know it's just a matter of hours or a day before the extremely painful urination and inability to walk come around. I'm just so worried that it's progressing so much faster this time and am worried it will get much worse this time. I hope not. Bactrim is horrible. I will never take this medication or sulfa drugs again.
Omg!! I have experienced similar symptoms after the first dose of taking barium ds I woke up to a swollen lip & a very red torso. The redness subsided off my torso..but the mouth swelling, sores/irratipn increasing for worst. I took approximately 6 pills total before I realized I was having a negative reaction to the medication after reading more about it. My tongue & lips are so sore/red/raw/swollen/dry/constant burning sensation...hurts so bad. I can barely talk, eat, drink. Called my dr several times for them to say stop taking med & take benadryl.. not nothing a difference they eventually told me to go to ER for the ER dr to not think I was having a reaction to the medication. They did however prescribe me prednisone... This experience is not only painful, uncomfortable it's also embarrassing looking due to the swelling & redness in my lips & funny speech. I haven't gotten these sores anywhere else other than my mouth as described in some of these other post. I hoping these symptoms subside soon.. but from the looks of it from other people's post I may have these symptoms longer than I want..ugh. Does anyone have any suggestions to help with the healing or at least help with decreasing the constant burning sensation/pain???
Re: LCS (# 159)
I *just* can’t BELIEVE this! I took pill 7 of a 10-day dose of Bactrim DS and am having BIG problems, too. Rash on thigh, HUGE sores in my mouth and fire in my crotch that is FAR worse than the UTI for which I was prescribed the meds. I have been nauseous and had an awful headache, too. God bless you all and THANK YOU for sharing your stories with me. Will be at the doc first thing in the morning.
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