Bactrim Side Effects (Page 6)
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I am curious if anyone else has had any of these side effects from taking bactrim. My mouth is so swollen with blisters all inside my it has started to affect my private area as well with same symptoms. I cant eat and it burns all day long. I only took 4 pills when this started. Please help if you can.

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They need to take this drug off the market. I used it years ago for a UTI but just recently used it. Took 4 pills and now my mouth is full of blisters and I have a raging yeast infection. Not happy!

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This is a severe reaction. Bactrim is a Sulfa compound. So from now on let the docs know you are allergic to sulfa and what kind of reaction you had. These reactions can be severe and life threatening. Be careful! Hope you feel better.

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Hey I'm having the same problem I went the to ER and they prescribed a few mess but I feel it's only getting worse I cry from the pain I can't even talk my lips changed color and are peeling almost bleeding too how long did it take for it to heal? Also I have hives everywhere

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I took bactrim foe a UTI, I have taken this drug before with no reaction to it. This time I tool bactrim and I have sores on my tongue and the inside on my left side of my mouth is sore with blister. My lips are swollen so is my tongue. I have to call my doctor.

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Yes I had similar symptoms seven days into treatment. Stop taking the pills if you haven't already!

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I too went to the hospital for a swollen knee and left side of my throat was sore. I was prescribed Bactrim and as soon as I took the first pill my vagina began to itch and burn. I have sores and blisters in my vaginal area and hurts like hell. Bactrim should be Banned!!!!

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I took bactrim for 2 weeks. 1 week in i was having hot sweats at night and fatigue like crazy. i had swollen mouth and blisters on inside of my mouth with red hot lips burning... thought it was from the prostatitis i was being treated for... at 2 weeks i figured out it came from the bactrim after I dosed myself on an attempted restart of the medication..with all of the symptoms above and now swollen testicles, red hot itchy scrotum, heat rash like stuff... (i was evaluated for STI and no) i have stopped taking bactrim for 4 days now. lips are slowly starting to turn back to normalcy. still messed up but not getting worse. but my stomach is super screwed up and my scrotum, testicles snf pinis are fired up !!! any help on speeding up recovery?????

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Five days after stopping this medication, a terrible vaginal burning began, but no itching, just the burning and soreness. I am using an otc yeast medication, but no relief yet. It feels like I am sitting on hot coals. I had never experienced anything like this before and will not take this medication again.

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I was prescribed Bactrim 7 days ago for a UTI. I have taken this medication one other time and had no side effects. By the second day I started experiencing vaginal irritation and thought nothing of it. So I decided to keep taking the Bactrim but I should have contacted my doctor but I just had my yearly Pap 2 days ago which was 5 days on the Bactrim. Gyno said everything seemed fine. I finished the 7 day treatment this morning. But now I have a sore in my mouth and a rash on my face and still the irritation. I see my primary tomorrow whom is the one who prescribed the Bactrim. I'm hoping this goes away the side effects. We'll see what the doctor says tomorrow.

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I had the same reaction. Extreme vaginal itching at first and I thought I was having some kind of a serious vaginal infection but then it occured to me that things started out when I took this drug, BACTRIM for my UTI. I was so bothered that I looked it up here on the net and found these answers that made me a 100% sure of what the culprit was. Now, I think I would have to discontinue using this drug and ask for another prescription for my UTI. I'm afraid it could make things worst.

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This is the second time i have been priscribed Bactrim for a UTI. Within 24 hours of my first dose, i began to feel severe itching and burning in my genital area. I thought it was just the antibiotic chasing out my infection. Day 3 came along and the pain was only getting worse. I developed herpe-like blisters on my inner labia. And eventually all the way up inside of my vagina. The blisters stuck my skin together. My doctor had to sepperate the skin herself so we could insert Metronidazold gel or "Metrogel" to start the healing process. Although all of my tests came back negative for any sti, my doctor decided to put me on Acyclovir as well to heal the herpe-like lesions. Now that this has happened again, a mere 45 minutes after taking one dose of Bactrim, I have done enough research to know that this is in fact not herpes but a very painful & embarrassing allergic reaction to sulfa medication. It can take 1-2 weeks to clear up after starting the Metrogel & Acyclovir. I am also on Macrobid to ensure the departure of the UTI symptoms. The best way to avoid a UTI is to always stay hydrated, take cranberry vitamins daily and always remember to pee before and after intercourse to flush out any sneaky bacteria. I hope this helps!

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Any time you get ulceration or blisters in any mucosal area or the genitals etc. or conjunctivitis in the eye in reaction to taking Bactrim or Septra you should IMMEDIATELY stop taking it and go to the ER. You are developing the early stages of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, which if you allow it to continue is very very serious and can be fatal.

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Can u have bumps on back of toug from bactrum

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I was prescribed Bactrim fir a really bad UTI. My second day of taking it, came across a post on Facebook that advised Lupus patients to avoid taking this medicine. I have had SLE for over 10 years. Post warned Lupus patients that this medication could cause a lupus flare which consists of joint pain. I Continued taking medicine And Am Now Rethinking it. My gums in the back are extremely sore and I am always tired now. Has anyone else experience this?

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You had the vaginal burning too? The worst pain ever! I'm still not 100%

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I had the same thing happen. I ended up in the ER. They gave me Benadryl and pain medicine. You have an allergic reaction. A lot of people are allergic to this antibiotic.

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Day 4 and I had severe vaginal burning, it's takien a week to finally feel almost normal. I thought something was wrong with me because I had no vaginal infections (confirmed by cultures) until I read this thread. I relieved to know it was a reaction to the medication. Why don't doctors know about this? My daughter is allergic to sulfa meds, guessing I am too.

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Was not getting better with Bactrim DS, symptoms were getting worse, vaginal irritation. About an hour after taking Bactrim DS on day 4 - was taking 1 pill twice a day. I suddenly developed intense vaginal burning all in my pelvic area. Went to the Dr and she prescribed diflucan, told me to finish one more day of bactrim and to take the diflucan. Test came up with no yeast infection. Was it the Bactrim that caused the burning and irritation? The burning went away after stopping the meds or maybe the diflucan helped? Still have some irritation, stopped medicine Tues. Doctor thought i had a UTI but turns out i had a ruptured cyst.

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I have taken Bactrim D's several times in my life with no issues!! Now at 40, after taking it for 4 days, my lips(on face) are covered in cold sores and external vaginal area burn, itches covered with painful rash!!! I got put on this for a staph inf from itching!! To now have to deal with way worse!!!

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It's an allergic reaction which can develop at any time. I had taken Bactrim several times in the past myself and last time I had a horrible reaction, and the other night a doctor prescribed it to me and I had such a bad reaction it landed me in the hospital. Don't take it ever again because those blisters could wind up in your throat and make it difficult for you to breathe or even worse anaphylaxis, which is life threatening.

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