Bactrim Side Effects (Page 5)


I am curious if anyone else has had any of these side effects from taking bactrim. My mouth is so swollen with blisters all inside my it has started to affect my private area as well with same symptoms. I cant eat and it burns all day long. I only took 4 pills when this started. Please help if you can.

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yes a bactrim[sulfa] allergy is nothing to play with.

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I'm having a terrible reaction to Bactrim! Rash, itching, coughing, terrible tightness and stiffness in my neck... And so tender to the touch. For anyone who has posted here before and we're going to the doc the next day or waiting for test results, I'm wondering what the outcome was. My heart aches for anyone who's experienced this. I will never take this drug again.

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I had taken Bactrim before with no issues. Two days after taking Bactrim this time my lips started to swell i got very painful lesions in my mouth and throat. Next thing i know it feels like an ant bit me on the willy. I scratched and a huge flap of skin came off. Next day i felt a stinging on the head of my genitals and then guessed it...another slab of skin sloughed off. It is nothing like herpes so any physician that claims it is so is a fool. To add insult to injury, my eyesight is extra blurry. Yay!

I have talked with people and found others with similar symptoms. This forum reassured me it was the Bactrim. I am slow to heal 5 days after initial blistering. Getting better. I can eat now. The battlefield down under is settling and making a turn for the better.

I have been working extremely long hours with high heat index as well as taking phentermine for diet control. The combination of all the conditions may have caused this however is not worth the risk of consequences from taking this drug.

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i had the EXACT TO A TEE same problem as you, Jane B!!!!! the exact! they thought it was covld sores and gave me aclovier, but i knew there was NO WAY it was cold sores! No way! i usually get 1 MAYBE 2 mild-med cold sores a year brought on by stress, and IK when its going to happen, can tell bcuz it hurts befor it appears, & THESE bunches of blisters came with no warning all at once, id never seen anything like it!!by the quickness, amount, color, blister like apperence, it was definatelty cold sores!! believe me i know!!!! i cant believe they would overlook that esp because i was so certain they were not cold sores but blisters! They came out of NO where, suddenly overnight without any warning or pain or onset of a sore, nope, just BOOM bunches of blisters ALL over my lips causing then to blow up!! INSIDE my nose & EVEN a Cpl small bisters ON my nose!!! BURT HEY NOW I KNOW THANKS FOR SHARING

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I have the same issues. I got them 30 minutes after taking the first dose. I am relieved a little that I see that I was not the only one. I can not eat, my mouth is full of blisters and thrush, and it hurts so bad to use the bathroom. I have redness, small blisters I see them trying to come out, I can feel them. I am afraid the will open and I am going to be in more pain. I am sorry ladies, I hope each of you is better.

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A week after my last post. Blisters down under slow to heal. Mouth healed enough to eat bland food. Two weeks later my mouth and throat is good. Genitals are now healed but with hideous scars. Lips are just now totally healed. Lots of oragel and lip balm helped. Bottom lip kept sloughing skin kept sloughing off but i beat it finally. Bactrim was absolutely the cause ads it was terrible. I would rather break my arm again then deal with that again.

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Ron glad you are feeling better. This kind of reaction is life threatening! Bactrim contains sulfa, so from now on you need to let Doctors know you have this allergy. The reaction you had is called Steven Johnsons Syndrome which causes sluffing of the skin.Reactions can be mild to severe, from simple mouth ulcers to entire body redness and ulcerations. Can even effect the lungs. Be careful and be safe.

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Yes....I had the same side effects. I ended up back at the ER, getting a very large does of benedryl. You could try taking over the counter benedryl and I would stop taking the antibiotic that contains bactrim immediately.

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My adopted daughter has reacted bad to Bactrim as well and i am going to let all physicians know that we have had allergic reactions and will ask to not prescribe it to any of my other children. I was worries about more ulcerations of the digestive tract as well as lung damage. My eyesight has not gotten better and that disturbs me.

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I was prescribed bactrim ds for an infected cyst on my back. About 20 mins after taking the first dose I broke out in a few hives on my stomach and arms. By about day 3, my top lip became very tingly and swollen, later developing into a sore. I also had itching around my genitals and also developed a sore spot at the tip. This drug made me very tired, stiff neck, achy joints, loss of appetite, etc. Very bad drug....stay away from it.

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UIi am 39 years of age and I took bactrim thinking it was a motrin and got extreme itchiness and white patches on my vagina I knew within an hour cause the same thing happened before when I was pprescribed bactrim 1 pill within 30 minutes of ingestion

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EXACT SAME THING HAPPEND TO ME!!!! I seen the doctor and he said automatically it was herpes and that it wouldn't be the bactrim. I was freaking out because I knew there was no way that that's what it was! Started taking benadryl today! Never again will I take that medication !!!!!

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whats the point of a conversation where everyone is asking the same questions? call the drug company or doctor on something called a phone!!!!! yadayadayada

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Whoever invented it should be HANGED !!

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Same thing happened to me . I didn't start seeing this problem until I started taking these pills

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Stop taking it !! Get yourself some Benadryl or even go to the hospital if you can and drink water !

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I was prescribed Bactrim 8 years ago and developed extreme burning and sores in the vulvar area. Like many posts I've read- my Dr. tested for Herpes because the sores resembled herpes and said it can lay dormant for years. It came back negative. I have had frequent UTI's since menopause and Macrobid has worked. This time I had a bacteria that Macrobid wouldn't help so I she asked me about Bactrim. I told her what happened the last time and she said that's not a side effect of Bactrim. I was hoping I'd been wrong years ago. Within hours of taking my first dose (I had liquid) labia was extremely swollen on one side with what appeared to be hives along the entire vestibule. I didn't take another dose and I was prescribed Macrobid again, only to find out 2 days later it wasn't the right drug. So, I was put on Keflex. I felt like someone poured acid on me down there and the itching was the worst itching I've every experienced. It was like torture. I now have on sore left, swelling went down but it's been over a week. I've read so many posts referring to Bactrim affecting women like this, I'm shocked it's not reported in their literature. Did anyone else have sores or a sore that took more than a week to heal?

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Just received bactrim for infection in my toe. Within hours of taking this med I have lots of sores in my mouth and tongue. My teeth even hurt, im calling my doctor in the morning. This is horrible!

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Emediately after taking bactrim my reation started so i know it was the sulfer in the medication

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I have read other forums with people complaining of the same reaction or similar. I think this needs to be reported and a black box warning should go along with this drug. Too many people getting very ill from Bactrim. Worst illness is when someone develops full blown Stevens Johnson Syndrome.

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