Bactrim Side Effects (Page 4)
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I am curious if anyone else has had any of these side effects from taking bactrim. My mouth is so swollen with blisters all inside my it has started to affect my private area as well with same symptoms. I cant eat and it burns all day long. I only took 4 pills when this started. Please help if you can.

177 Replies (9 Pages)

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Stop taking the bactrim ... it takes one week for the blisters in your mouth to go away ... hand in there ...

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Im having an alful time with the reaction to this alful med. My tongue an inside my cheeks swollen an blisters all over my mouth the worst is under my tongue have eaten a pancake once in 3 days as it hurts to much to eat the dentist gave me something that numbs your mouth. Its not working.
Does anyone have any suggestions. Its a 9 out 10 pain an thats on pain meds cant take this pain

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Im having an alful time with the reaction to this alful med. My tongur an inside my cheeks swollen an blisters all over my mouth the worst is under my tongue have eaten a pancake once ib 3 days as it hurts to much to eat the dentist gave me something that numbs your mouth. Its not working.
Does anyone have any suggestions. Its a 9 out 10 pain an thats on pain meds

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I had extremely similar reaction to what I believe to be bactrim. I started on a regular dosage and immediately had excrutiating vaginal burning and itching. I tried sitting in the tub full of hot water, which brought me temporary relief. I sat with a heating pad in between my legs for the entire day. Days upon days. My lips started to crack and become inflamed with sores. Soon after, I developed THRUSH in my mouth. I couldn't eat or drink anything for a week straight, I had to go to the ER and receive liquids and vitamins intravenously. I stopped taking the bactrim and started taking diflusinal? I believe it was for the thrush in my mouth. It took about two full weeks for me to able to eat solid foods again. I never realized it was bactrim until yesterday I had a cyst in my ear and I was told to take bactrim. I took two pills last night and within the first 15 minutes the vaginal itching and burning began, as well as a little bit later my tongue started to feel sore. Is there any way to expedite this healing process? I'm miserable, and I'm a student who is missing a lot of class time. Please help.

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Yep, red itching then burning areas in mouth, genitals, and a little on my legs and even a bit on my hands. Terrible. Took one pill and am on day 3 of suffering from this.

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I had extreme mouth sores after taking this one dose of this med. I went to the doctor and they said I had an allergic reaction and prescribed an epi-pen. They also said this is an old med that doesn't work well and shouldn't be used any more.

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This happened to me last month when I took the medicine. I had cold sore ulcers so bad in my mouth I could barely talk or eat. I'm taking it again and the same thing has happened. I didn't know this was a side effect!

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My wrists and lower right side of my head are killing me

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Absolutely -- They should at least post a strong warning. I have Legal Shield and called my law firm and they said I should be able to go after the pharmaceutical company for some compensation. Took about a week for the mouth sores to at least lessen so I could eat and swallow.

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Absolutely -- They should at least post a strong warning. I have Legal Shield and called my law firm and they said I should be able to go after the pharmaceutical company for some compensation.

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Please tell me how long it took for the vaginal sores to go away?? And did you have to go back to your doctor for treatment for them?? Your reply would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

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Kira ... how long before the mouth sores went away ... ??

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Omg yes I had the same reaction to this medicine blisters and sores in my mouth and private areas. Can't eat can't talk it burns when I used the bathroom it just keep getting worse and I took six pills . it was prescribed to me for a UTI but this antibiotic just made everything ten times worse...I will never take that again I think it should be banned.

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Same problem. Took 5 pills the swollen sore throat started day 2 called my physician they said it was GURD. Stopped taking the pills anyway. Blisters now inside my mouth and it hurts to swallow. ER this morning for my skin infection ... gave me an IV with penicillin and then put on Keflex. Wondering when the pain in my throat will leave ...

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Do symptoms go away once bactrim is discontinued? White spots on tongue & inside mouth

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Likely a sulfa allergy; same thing happens to me. Historically, I had never had a problem taking this medication. First time symptoms developed I stayed the course, and in addition to mouth sores, my fingers and hands became arthritic. I have since tried it again, and mouth sores after 3-4 pills. Discontinue, get another rx, and list bactrim as drug allergy

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Yes I had the same thing happened to me. I have taken Bactrim before , but this last time I took Bactrim and I a huge sore on my tongue and around my mouth. I could not eat or drink anything.

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I have read other forums with people complaining of the same reaction or similar. I think this needs to be reported and a black box warning should go along with this drug. Too many people getting very ill from Bactrim. Worst illness is when someone develops full blown Stevens Johnson Syndrome.

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Emediately after taking bactrim my reation started so i know it was the sulfer in the medication

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Just received bactrim for infection in my toe. Within hours of taking this med I have lots of sores in my mouth and tongue. My teeth even hurt, im calling my doctor in the morning. This is horrible!

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