Back-to-back Doses Of Antibiotics For String Ray Injury??
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I'm taking doxycycline 100mg (2/day for 10 days) to prevent infection from a sting ray encounter in SW Florida's gulf waters. Potential bacterium: Staph', Strep', Vibrio. I've read that recovery from this type of injury is long, slow, and often with set backs. I thought it was looking better after first 5 days, but then the ankle (site of puncture) has gotten more swollen & a bit warm. Ultrasound revealed NO barb. Only drainage was clear and just in first 2 days. Tomorrow is 10th day of antibiotic. Should I start another round or wait & see? I have 2 prosthetic hips - so I need to be careful of infection. Orthopedic doc says to culture drainage, if any happens, and adjust antibiotic to those results.

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Update: It's been 2.5 weeks since sting ray injury. Last week I completed 10-day doxycycline antibiotics. The ankle continues to be swollen enough that I don't see any inside ankle bone protrusion. There is a fair amount tenderness in a 2" diameter around the puncture site (throughout the ankle joint) and it's slightly warm to the touch. But there's been no drainage and it has a nice scab. In this last week, the top layer of skin over entire foot, to above ankle, has sloughed off. My theory is that skin was compromised from 3 hours in hot betadyne-water initially (after sting ray encounter) to neutralize the toxins. All-in-all, I think it is doing OK.

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Yes, they can be taken that way, if your doctor deems it appropriate.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of antibiotics as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea.

Having it cultured would be a good idea, to make sure that you are given the proper antibiotic.

Has there been any change?

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