Back Pain With Losartan (Top voted first)


I currently take Losartan in the AM. Within two hours I have severe back pain which wears off in about five hours. Is there any reason I shouldn't take this Losartan in the PM so that I am sleeping when I have this back pain? I don't have the pain when I am at rest, only when I walk around.

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I am now taking the losartan at night and so far, it's working fine and I am having no back pain.

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Hi, Gaily! How are you doing, now?

It might be a better idea to speak to your doctor about it and try a different medication.

The reason they usually want you to take medications such as this in the morning are so that they can help control your blood pressure or cardiac condition during the day, when you are normally the most active and will experience the most fluctuations.

At night, it drops naturally, when you're at rest and taking your medication then could actually cause problems, if it's causing you to go too low.

Learn more Losartan details here.

Do you check your blood pressure regularly?

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