But/asa/caf/cod/cap 30mg
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The less serious side effects of teh medication- Aspirin + butalbital + caffeine + codeine- include but are not limited to:

feeling dizzy, shaky, anxious, or agitated,
heartburn, mild nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea, sleep problems (insomnia),
mood changes, ringing in your ears, blurred vision, sweating, urinating more than usual, or dry mouth.

If you experience any of these severe side effects, stop using this medication and call your doctor at once:

shallow breathing, slow heart rate, muscle twitching;
fast or pounding heart rate, confusion, unusual thoughts or behavior, bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds, problems with urination, and more.

I hope this helps!

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Oh wow Christy, everything you said in your hilarious post applies to me. First, thanks for the laugh and laugh I did. Your a very funny lady. Years ago I have been diagnosed with chronic head aches and migraines. They always started in my shoulders and working up and up. At times the pain becomes unbearably. Been taking But/asa/caf/cod/ 30mg for years. When the pills don't work anymore, I have to get a pain shot. My insurance comp. will not pay for them any more. Was told the don't pay for chronic migraines any longer. So my doctor put me on nerve pain pills called Gabapentin 300mg. Had to take one in the morning and one at night. The worked great for about 6 month. Now, after 2 hours I get my throbbing head ache back which eventually will turn into a migraine. My doctor upped the pills to two in the morning and two at night. They just don't work as good as the codeine pills did. I'm like you, need to take at least two of the codeine pills before I get some relieve. I can't afford to buy the codeine pills myself. I gladly would give up the Gabapentin for the codeine pills. Going to see my doctor again June 11-12. Don't have a clue to what he will suggest to me this time around. One thing is forsure, I will not be able to take more Gabapentin. Thanks for listening Christy. Hope you have at least one head ache free day.

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#1Butalbiltol, which is a actual barbituate is to help you kinda relieve your nervousness and stress(kinda chill-out a little), since it's mainly those two culprits that give you those damn tension headaches and migraines so freakin' bad!! I guess the medical community THOUGHT, anyway, that it was gonna work like a charm, but my two biggest complaints about Butalbitol is : (1) If you take the Rx as it's prescribed/labeled, the butalbitol part of the pill DOES seem to relieve the stabbing, stress-related pains and throbbing in my head I get in my head, shoulders, and behind my eyes. AT FIRST THEY DO, ANYWAY!! But I swear, it's not one and a 1/2 weeks later...TOPS... that taking only one doesn't even touch it anymore and I start "doubling up"---- which, of course--- makes me run out of my Rx before I'm allowed to refill it again. So that really does suck. A lot! 'Cause with MY luck, THAT'S exactly when I'll get teh worst head, neck, and back muscle pulls, aches, and spasms during that freakin' 30 days!! But, like I said.... that's JUST my damn luck! Now.... the ASA (which I'm told is Aspirin) I'm sure does its part in the scheme of things. But I'm not really sure if I can tell SPECIFICALLY what role it plays in relieving my pain and muscle knots. And the THIRD thing in this concoction is caffeine. Yep.... just like in a coke or cup of coffee. But I think in much higher doses. And I've been told by doctors that the reason caffeine is added in this particular medicine (and for this specific tension headache pain and migraine problem) is because (1) caffeine is a stimulant, of course, and (2) stimulants, caffeine, or ANY kinda of "speed" causes every one of your blood vessels to constrict and get WAY smaller, which doctors say helps prevent the mega-pumping of large amounts of blood with each heartbeat, therefore preventing that damn THROBBING in your head of your blood through your veins! Makes perfect sense to me, but I can't swear it's actually the medical reason for caffeine being in there. But at least three different doctors told me it was so----- or that's what I HEARD them say, anyway. Who knows! And, lastly of course, there's the God-Sent added ingredient of Codeine to, at least, take the edge off of all the awful, horrible, sometimes-unbearable pain that I and so, so many OTHER people I know of suffer with every single day from delibitating stress and tension headaches, bad-a** migraines, and terrible back and neck injuries! I feel for every ONE of y'all!! I know how you all feel!!! Have a wonderful Holiday Season, and just remember that, when everyone's gettin' on your case (and nerves) and saying stuff like "Awww... a headache CAN'T be THAT bad! Just take a tylenol and you'll be JUST fine.", you know I got your back! (And your neck, and your head.... lol!) OK then.... sorry I wrote so dang long, but I was trying to answer the question posed here while trying to make y'all laugh here and there. Or at least smile. I know how hard even THAT is to do on some days. But I sure hope it worked today. Take care, everybody! xo Christy :)

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what are the exact contents of this capsule?

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just wondering the side effects

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