Bgo Ointment (Page 3)


BGO ointment last distributed by Calotabs Co. in Greenville, SC. Company has apparently closed...not further info. Ointment is an antiseptic, antifungal cream for relief of th athlete's foot, ringworm, hemorrhoids, externally caused blemishes, cracked lips, minor cuts, burn and bruises, corns, itching from burning skin due to sunburn and non venomous insect bites. Contains salicylic acid, sulphur, zinc oxide, phenol calamine, menthol, petrolatum lanolin and mineral oil. Have used this product for over 50 years and it works great. Would be so happy to find a new distributor if one exists.

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: BeasleyDrugCompany (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Would love to know when you do. Would buy 12 of them.

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Yes I would definitely purchase BGO. Please let me know if there is a new distributor. Anxiously waiting. Thanks.

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I assume we're talking about the same stuff (pink in a white container). My Mema used it for EVERYTHING and that's how I came to use it and it DID fix everything! It was like MAGIC! If I had a pimple, BAM--GONE! Didn't dry my skin out either. Minor burns--BAM--HEALED! Why do they discontinue a product that actually works?? ::cries in hands::

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Re: Beverly Smith (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Replying to your message from 9 years ago. My question is where did you purchase the product that is similar to BGO? Thank you!

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Re: Lynn (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I went to a pharmacist in Elizabeth City North Carolina where I lived asked him would he make me some BGO and gave him the formula what was in the BGO on my container. He made me 3 container’s of it same color too. I paid him for making it for me. I was a Happy girl.

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Re: Lori Lukasiewic (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Where can I get some compounded? What is the formula?

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Re: Casey Robinson (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

I would love to be able to buy this product. It worked on ingrown toe nails. I still have the same big toe with the problem and back when it was available I could put BGO on it and I could dig the nail out after using BGO on the area. That was the only thing I used it for. So if the pharmacy makes it for you I would love to purchase it from them. Thank you for your time in this matter.

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Re: Lori Lukasiewic (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Can you share a list of the ingredients? {edited for privacy}

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Re: Lori Lukasiewic (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Will you send me ingredients please and I will se if my pharmacy can make me some also?

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Re: Lori Lukasiewic (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

What is the name of the pharmacist? I would love to but some.

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I miss this stuff I used all the time as a kid in the summertime (mosquitos love me) I wish they still made it nothing is as good

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Re: Lori Lukasiewic (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

What are ingredients?

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Re: Lynn (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

Can I get ingredients of BGO so I can have compounded?

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Re: Martha (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Sadly, many have asked her & she’s never responded.

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Re: Martha (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Found this!!! I also just ordered the alternative this person recommended off of Amazon for 10 bucks.

From the thread The Ingredients for BGO Cream made by Calotabs Co of Greenville SC

" I don't know how old your jar of BGO (Beeman's Greaseless Ointment) is, but my father owned the company from the mid 1950s until 1975, when he retired and sold the company, and it moved from Daytona Beach to Greenville, SC. As you probably have guessed, it is out of business now.

If your jar is white plastic with red lettering and a white metal cap, it was made after 1975 in Greenville, SC by the gentleman who bought the company from us. If your jar is brown glass with a black metal cap, and white label with black lettering with some red highlights, it was pre 1975. We also sold it in white tubes with back and yellow lettering, and I have tube that has never been opened.

When I was 15 in the late '50s, I discovered it would shine chrome, but I don't remember by dad being all that impressed.

I checked the ingredients between what we had in it and what it had in it out of NC and the ingredients are exactly same, and are as follows:

Idoform, Salicylic Acid, Sulfur (Precipitated), Zinc Oxide, 1%, Phenol(Liquified), Calamine, Menthol, Petrolatum, Lanolin, and Mineral Oil.
I found a thing on the internet saying a good substitute for BGO is Calmoseptine ointment available at Walgreens.

Their website is: "

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Re: Casey (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

I am a native of Greenville, SC. My family has been using "BGO" since I can remember my Great Grandmother having it, and I'm 63. It is amazing.

I now use the product you suggested and have for 10 years.

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Re: BeasleyDrugCompany (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Let me know if you get some made.

Why did it go out of business when so many loved it?

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Re: B League (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I would buy it, and so would my sister

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Re: Beverly Smith (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Can you tell me how to get some?

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Re: Lori Lukasiewic (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Can you share it me the formula you gave to your pharmacy! I would limit to give to my pharmacy to make for me! Thanks

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