Azmacort Substitute (Page 4)
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Azmacort has been taken off the market because of environmental concerns (they say). There really is NO substitute. All other steroids do not work. My wife could die because of it. No one seems to care. Do you?

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Thank you for all your info. So sorry your wife passed away - I felt like I went thru it with you, since I was on the board at that time. I hope you are doing better & healing. Thanks for all the info. Asmanex is a cheaper substitute for Pulmicort - I just don't want to try something different now that I am used to the Pulmicort and was doing well on it. I just don't understand how it can cost so much - not sure what the cost is but my co-pay is $90 so it must cost alot. Thanks again for all your help !
God Bless

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I finally have found a compounding pharmacy that will make nebulizer drug using the same stuff that Azmacort used. I'm going to pick it up today I have to drive 35 miles to get it. It will cost me $250.00 a month. That is about $50.00 more than what I was paying for the Azmacort. But I was on high doses and I probably use way more than most people. I used 3 puffs 4 times a day. Most people just use it twice a day or once a day, and that would be a lot cheaper . I used about 1 1/2 containers a month. I think I will have to go pick it up once a week because it doesn't have preservatives in it. I'm allergic preservatives. Please pray that this works for me, I feel like it is my last chance. I'm once again on large doses of steroids, because I can't breathe. I will let everyone know on the site if it is working for me.
Blessings to all,

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I first tried Flovent and was allergic to it - kept forcing myself to take it - thinking there were few choices - got very ill - my dr. switched me to Asmanex and Symbicort and I am doing very well. I was panicky when Azmacort was no longer available, so if someone else had not found a substitute and needed some - thought it may be helpful, rather than throwing it away.

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Dorothy, is this substitute which you are talking about a natural product, an over the counter medication, or a prescription drug? I don't think this discussion thread allows people to come on and try to sell or distribute products. Can you please write back with the name of the product which you have used as a substitute?

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I used Azmacort for years, and luckily I found a substitute. I do have some that is still good if anyone can use it.

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I am happy to hear you have done a little better over the last year than many who have posted herein.

However, that may not last. Medical help is going to get quite a bit different than what we are now used to having. I personally believe Medicare will be doled out according to age and the cultural viability of the person in less than four dyers if things continue as they are.

But that is future and your problem is now.

Have you tried asking the Pulmicort people for help? Or, AstraZeneca . I know Advair offers help but I believe you must use their product. And they may, indeed, have one that could help you instead of what you are using now. Ask your Pulmonologist while you still can.

Or, ask your doctor if there is an organization that can help those who have problems making ends meet?

Non-formulary drugs are those Drugs not on a plan-approved drug list. You may go here to find a substitute, if one exists: Just copy and paste in the URL block.


Or, go here if you do not have PDF capability on your computer:


If you are a careful observer, you can see where all this could be going. You and I are retired, thus we contribute nothing to society regardless of what we have done in the past.

I never bothered to take Medicare Part D. My reasons are personal and have a lot to do with insurance plans. THEY tell YOUR DOCTOR what you need and what they accept. We must scramble for what can help us.

All of this may sound like sour apples, but it isn't. We all have been on entitlements for a long time. I guess we have to be more shrewd on how we handle ourselves when they pull the rug out from under us.


PS - I don't know if you knew my wife did die.

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Hi Jack and everyone - glad this board is still up - I have been doing pretty good for the past year on Pulmicort - but I am on Medicare and because it is no-formulary (whatever that means) it costs me $90 a month. that is my co-pay on Medicare D drug plan. I can't afford it till 6/15 and I just ran out of it. Pollen and air quality is so bad, I feel trouble breathing is coming on. So I think I will figure something out to juggle checkbook to come up with the $90 is that alot of money ? I am so mad right now - !! I hope you are doing good Jack ! thanks for listening.
Linda Hanley

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Read on the Web; put that in your pipe and smoke it! Not if you have asthma or COPD, etc.
Re: Abbott rep selling Azmacort
Azmacort is a tough sell, it's a good drug, but the oldest in the market. The spacer angle doesn't really help like you are taught it should. Advair owns the market and another combo product will be released shortly that is supposed to kill Advair, so it will be tough. Managed care is so-so, this is a tough drug to move. It went unpromoted for 2 years before we picked it up, sales were in a nose dive, they are still not what they were supposed to be. Good luck.

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I would be interested in reading about this also. I would like to know the jerks name that started this whole thing. I would like to know what proof they have and why they picked on our medications first instead of the 1000's of other things they could have chosen. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?

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Dad was in the 2238th Quartermaster Company Truck (Avn) XV Air Force, special order # 5, 37th service center, 2nd Lt. John L. Carey. They close to Foggia ,Italy when they first set up.Jan 15,1944. They hauled a bunch of bombs around. I have the historians diary of day to day activities. pretty interesting. It has been declassified.

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Marcou - could you tell us the name of the publication or author who wrote about the effects of HFA versus CFC in 2002? I would be interested in reading it.

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I was in what was called at the time, the Army Air Corps. I was a Radar Mechanic on the APQ-13 High Altitude Bombing System used on the B-29.


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My dad was in the Temple Hospital for TB. They took out his lung and he would not go without a shirt because he thought it looked ugly.The scar went the whole length of his shoulder blade ,and sunk in back there. I had a doctor tell me that they didn't remove his lung that they just collasped it. But I told that he was wrong they did remove it.He said well he would have a big scar if they did and I said well he had that all right.

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Hi Jack,
My dad was in the hospital in Mexico I was told. They said he was going to die and called all the family. But he didn't die. I tried to get his medical records but if you have ever tried you know how that goes. My aunt told me he had brights disease that he swelled up so much they thought he was going to bust. But he got ok. I didn't think you ever got over brights disease once you had it. He stayed in the Va Hospital at Temple ,Tx for 18 months. I think he was out of the service by 1948. Seems like he got out in 1945 .That's a guess. I did get his medals and his purple heart. But he used to have a lot of real colorful bars he had a cigar box full . they were very bright colors and I used to play with them and I thought they were pretty. I really didn't play with them I just looked at them and moved them around and stuff. He was a mechanic in the Army Air force.

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I worked at Halloran Veteran's Hospital in Staten Island in 1948. I worked with those who had tuberculosis. It does not exist any longer but at the time it was a very large place; large enough so that I could live there on the hospital grounds in a barracks-like quarters.

I wonder if your father and I had ever met. It is likely that if he ever got tubercular treatments, he would have gotten them there.


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Thanks for the pep talk , and the sharing of the Bible. I had a really hard time as a child and so I'm real close with the Lord. He came to me when I was a child and was like a warm ball of light with in me, and that is where he has stayed all through my life. I have been married for 49 years this month and believe me it has been a rocky road. We lost our oldest daughter in 2002 and that is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. She was my first born I had her when I was 16 years old. She left a little 4 year old son behind , my other daughter adopted him and he is 13 years old now. I really hate to think of him or any child growing up in the days ahead.
My father was in WW11 also. It ruined his life. He ended up with TB from there and they took out one of his lungs . Mom said he would never talk about what all happened over there but he would have nightmares every night. Once in a while he would mention something.I'm glad you have others you can share your grief with that always helps.
Many blessings,

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Thank you for expressing sympathy especially at a time when you are suffering because of the greed of others. Our voices are small against such as they but as small as they are, they are heard by Someone far more powerful. Let me broaden your knowledge a little so that you may know more about our circumstances and be encouraged in your own heart.

It is particularly difficult at Memorial Day time - my beautiful wife, June, was finally freed from her physical struggles on June 5th last year. I will be visiting her remains for the first time at the national cemetery in Bushnell, Florida tomorrow. I will be going to support a friend who lost his wife quite recently - she will be interred at Bushnell - along with another friend who lost his wife just before I lost June. All three of us can empathize with each other.

It all seems so strange and unreal - for many reasons, two of which I will mention herein.

The first is, I know June is not in Bushnell. Oh, the shell she occupied while she lived here is - but now she is with the Lord Jesus and I would never want her to come back here. . . away from His visible presence. And I do not hold any particular grudge against those who helped to put her there. Ephesians 6:12 - "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."

In other words, none of us go through this world on our own. However, we are responsible and without excuse for not believing God instead of the demonic influences that swirl around us. Men love their sin but I would not want to be in their shoes when they face what they do now for the love of money. Romans 12:19, "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord." Those words do not register with most men but they would terrify them if they did because it is written in Hebrews 10: 31, “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.â€

So, yes, we all miss our wives very much. But how much worse it would be if we did not believe John 3:16.

The second reason it seems so strange is, my friends and I are veterans - me from WWII. What is strange is, we fought for a country that no longer exists – and we live in a world that is, humanly speaking, out of control. You see madness everywhere. Yet, we celebrate in memoriam (Latin) of the lives given up om this Day for our country and our personal losses at the same time. All die, but many perish. Matthew 7:13, "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.â€

I hope these words will help you to deal with what our Lord has for you.


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In a book written in 2002, the professional writer states that the lung selectivity is lost with SOLUTION HFA, while the SUSPENSION CFC showed distinct targeting of lung tissue and residence time of the medication.
In layman's terms, this means the Triamcinolone CFC suspension inhalers work better than the HFA solution inhalers. Did any of the fundamentalist environmentalists ever know anything about this. NO! They are just interested in pushing their agenda and have no regard for the lives of human beings. Big Pharma did not fight them because it would have cost them thousnds to millions of dollars to take them on. People in this country better wake up to stop the assault that is going on. We don't have human slavery based on the color of your skin anymore, WE HAVE ENVIRONMENTAL SLAVERY

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Hi Doris,
So glad you are going to call Abbott Labs. The more that call the better it will be for us all. One of the main men called and talked to me the other day and I ask him if they had thought about making the Azmacort in a nebulizer med and he said no. So they have just stopped I guess. But if enough called they might start it again.

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Hi Jack, I seem to have not said how sorry Iam about your wife , I know you must miss her very much. I know it must have been hard on you also trying to help her and not being able to do anything .But with so much support that I bet you gave her must have meant an awful lot to her.I know it would to me. My husband just found out this year that he as asbestosis . He is struggling to breathe also and he has never been sick in his life and now he is very sick from just going to work and working hard all his life to provide aliving for his family. He has had a hernia surgery and that is it.So it has hit him hard. Thanks Jack for being there for all of us and for starting this little group for all of us. I appreciate it.
blessing Margie

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