Azitromicina 500mg


White and Blue Capsule 1/4 X 3/4

11 Replies

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I have sinus and allergy drainage, is this piill OK to take for that, I had a friend buy the 500mg azitromicina in Mexico.

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I took the Mexican Azitromicina 500 mg for sinus infection, and it worked for me. Presentation comes in 3 caplets and box reads, Azibiot.

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Azitromicina is the Mexican brand name for the antibiotic Azithromycin. This will only help with infections and due to the dangers of allergic reactions and developing drug resistant infections, it should never be used unless prescribed by your doctor.

Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, diarrhea and skin rash.


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I started to suffer a severe chest infection whilst in Spain a visit to the chemist I purchased a 3 day course of Azitromicina Sandoz 500mg. 3 days later cured and no side effects.

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I purchased the Azinostil brand in Brazil to deal with a sinus infection. I am on my third day of the medication and things seem to be clearing up; much easier to breath. Just to be sure, I will get a follow up dose and consult with my doctor when I get back to the states.

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Am in Spain. allergic to sulfa/sulfur drugs. was prescribed Azitromicina 500mg. can I take this based on my allergy to sulfa/sulfur drugs?

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I developed a bad cough in Peru and was told to take Azitromicina 500 Mg along with Prednisone 20 mg per day for three day consecutive days.
Is that a good treatment?

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I am not sure if I have the 250mg or 500 mg zpak. They are the blue and white capsule with bajamed in blue. Do you know which one this would be. Surely they are a different color capsule. Thanks for any help.

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Can i use azibiot azitromicina 500 mg for a bacterial in the vagina?

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I have just received a 3rd of Azibiot and I wanted to know if anyone has experienced any side effects from this drug. I'm taking it for chest congestion due to a cold.

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What is this used for it found it in someone's pursue

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