Axiron And Testosterone Suppression
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I am new to Axiron and after doing some research I still can't find if Axiron suppresses natural Testosterone production. Does anyone have any information on this?
6 Replies
After stopping axiron, how long does it take for T levels to drop back?
The way my doctor explained it to me. When we use replacement, it shuts down our production. So when you where abusing it would have shut down the system. The only way to get it going again is to stop using the product and wait to see if it starts working again. He also indicated to me that the longer you use replacement, the longer it would take for your system to start back up. In short, if you take a replacment it will shut down, what little production you had. But if you can not produce it anymore you will need to use it. Only the test of time will tell you if it begins to work again. I do not know how long that is. Best to ask a specialist. Also depending on your past abuse, they may already know if it is likely to restart or how long it could take.
I was initially on the 60 cc's of Axiron for about 2 months. It wound me up too much at night, I wasn't sleeping at all. Also, my testicles shrank a LOT. So my doctor dropped me to 30cc a day and put me on HCG injections of 500 Units every 3 days. It isn't hard at all to inject yourself btw. 6 weeks later of this method, I sleep great and my low hangers are back to normal again. Oh yeah, my numbers went from 223 start to 375 on 60cc after 6 weeks to 510 the following 6 weeks after I went on the HCG/lowered Axiron amount. I believe I found the right rhythm here.
In my opinion, Axiron usage is TRT, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, and it lasts the rest of your life..... it's not a temp thing.... you are already NOT producing enough Testosterone so you're rolling it under your arms and it's used by your body. I've been using Axiron for 14 months now. It goes something like this.... Your Hypothalumus (when it senses Low-T) instructs your Pituatary Gland to instruct your Testicles to produce Testosterone. By using Axiron, my T level went from 297 to 600. I'm happy, but about after six month of usage, I noticed my usually low hanging testicles weren't that much low hanging anymore. Also since my Testicles are no longer producing Testosterone (I don't suffer from low-t anymore, using Axiron), the little gems and jewels in my balls that make Testosterone are doing nothing and having shrunk, from lack of work, nothing to do, no Testosterone to produce because there's enough there already. My guestimate is my testicles are about 60 % of where they were a year ago. So, I'm going in to talk to my doctor about using hCG, which provides the Leutienizing (sp?) hormone, which should instruct my testicles to be producing Testosterone and they WILL return to their original size.... they don't come back xtra big, but luckily this therapy is supposed to return them to being as originally sized. Hopefully the drops under my tongue will do the trick, because if injection is the only choice, I'll have to give it much more thought as that's something I would prefer not to have to do.
That does help but I guess I need to explain my full problem. I was afraid to cause I'm looking for help, not a beating. For the past 6 years I've been taking a substance for Bodybuilding that has shut my production down. Within a few weeks of stopping, for good, I went to see a specialist about getting "Back to normal" and thats when we found my T was 0.38!!!! He put me on Axiron to get my level up until I see another specialist. I've researched that in many cases that normally 6 to 8 weeks that a person may be back to normal production. That leads me to my original question, Is Axiron keeping my system from naturally trying to produce Testosterone, IF it can at this point?
The synthetics don't usually suppress production of the naturals, but rather they tend to take over the receptor points, so your natural hormones just don't get used, when you're taking them.
Learn more Axiron details here.
If you're not producing enough naturally, then it's really not going to matter, since you have to add more in some manner.
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