Avastin Forums

Recently active Avastin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Avastin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I was on this drug for seven months with Doxil for recurrent ovarian cancer. I am a 13 year survivor. After the first dose, complained of chest pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, skin breakouts, nose bleeds, blood clots from my nose, runny nose, aches and pains, all side effects I had read on the Internet. Had a chest x-ray, doppler to rule out PE, saw a pulmonoglist, CT scans of the chest, bronchoscopy and thoracentesis, and skin biopsy (which revealed drug reaction) all other tests negative, yet I still have all of the above problems and in addition, a perforated septum. I was finally taken off the drug and now question what lung damage I have due to this problem, as my GYN/Oncologist has never had a patient with an allergy to the drug. Am inquiring if anyone else has ha...

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whats the chest/heart pain am experiencing am taking razo for 7 days, cepcitabine caps for 14 days it has been 5 days since my chemo and my chemo meds are avastin and irinotican. am a colon cancer patient ## From just a post online, no one is going to be able to give you a definitive answer as to what's causing your chest pain. If you are taking Razo, which contains Rabeprazole to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach, it could be from acid reflux, on the other hand it could be a heart problem. You should really consult your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment, if necessary. Have you consulted your doctor, yet?

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After eye injections of avastin i was switched to lucentis. i then had 2 tia's and stopped treatment. I had been experiencing shortness of breath for about three mo. and swelling in ankles and leg pain. after theTIA a neurologist said these were warnings. no one has told me how long these disturbing symptoms will last. Can this be permanent? ## I am sorry, but I really can't answer that. Have you consulted a regular doctor? If the swelling and shortness of breath have been caused by either blood clots or fluid retention, they both can be very dangerous and you should be under treatment for them. Depending on the cause, you may require blood thinners or diuretics to reduce the amount of fluid in the body. Both of these options could cause TIAs and, both require proper treatment t...

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Is Avastin being used for macro degeneration? ## Do you mean wet, macular degeneration (seeing distorted straight lines)? If so, Avastin is a Godsend, stopping the disease in it's tracks. It has saved my vision. Treatments sound scary, but are easily tolerable. No anesthesia needed, etc. As far as I know there are no alternatives to saving your vision if you have wet AMD/ peace ## My mom lost her hearing in her left ear 5 days after her first shot of Avastin in her left eye for wet macular degeneration. Could there be a connection?

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