Aurobindo Pharma Adderall (Top voted first)


i am starting to get really scared. If these made it past quality control, past the FDA, what about the medicines my parents take? What about my birth control (also generic)? These things are going into my body, every day -- in addition to not working, what if they harm me worse than just bad migraines and dizziness? It is obviously a fake, and I bet none of us will be reimbursed. I am furious!

18 Replies

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the same thing happened to me this past week . that stuff is crap. i've been taking a genetic adderall for 4 years and this hasn't happened before. i got the headaches too, plus the fact that it just doesnt work . i read that this brand is made in india , which may be a clue. i'm gonna talk to my dr. this week about it. good luck .

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This drug is awful. It's not the same thing as Adderall at's not the same.

It gave me racing thoughts and my body parts went numb. I couldn't think clearly or focus. It made my ADHD worse, not better.

What is this stuff?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

How do you explain zero headache or side effects on Teva Adderall vs. migraine and debilitating side effect from auro? You seem to be adamantly defending this pharm company. You know their fillers are causing this across the board, in all different types of meds. I am going to look into a c lass a ction. I can't function for 36 hrs now from one tablet.

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This had to be a production that was tainted. I have been using different genetics for years, including aurobindo. Late last month, I experienced many of the symptoms described here. Worse, I experienced a bleeding issue. It began as a simple nosebleed, but it wouldn’t clot. After hours and soaking towels, I ended up at the ER to get the vessel cauterized. I’m going to check into having the remaining bottle tested at a lab; I’m just not sure what I’m looking for yet. I’m going to do some research into substances that mimic amphetamines; particularly ones with effects on coagulation. I just took a very small dose as a test, and it’s 100% tainted. If anyone has experience seeking independent lab analysis, please leave a messsge here. I bookmarked the page.

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I have been prescribed generic adderall tablets, among other things, for many many years. I have always known of generics not truly being equivalent, as the FDA defines generic equivalency as a drug being within a set range around the dose and not as English dictionary defines as equal meaning equal... that being said, I can generally live with the manufacturer I get, though I have preferences, I also "pick my battles". My adderall tabs are 20mg and I've had Teva, Teva ASA, Corpharma, activis, Sandoz, Elon, Bryant Ranch, and Shires... but the only one I cannot even consider is the Aurobindo manufacturer being discussed! Literally such poor quality not close to as potent, I doubt two of the 4 amphetamine salts are non existent, AND here's proof: I weighed a tablet on a digital scale and it was only .17. Now if it's a 20mg pill, that means u get a total dose of active drug that's 20mg and the active drug is bound together with non active ingredients, which weigh a bit themselves, so right there is proof we are getting totally ripped off, they should be shut down I'm sorry, and pharmacists even doctors react like patients are being shady if we bring this up with a controlled drug like adderall but I see others with diametric med's and such who have evidence too so please speak up on behalf of us all!

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Re: Kelly (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

C action lawsuit? Let's get a group started: it's the only way. Email: {edited for privacy}


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Re: Burnedbycostofhealthinusa (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

.17 is 170 mg, not 17. mg would be .017, 20 would be .020...... but there's filler and 20 mg adderall weigh 170-180 mg, so do the 30 mg and the 10s.

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Re: AuroScamo (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Me too. Where did you find to test them? What are the results? Mine are poison.

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Has anyone's complaints been taken seriously? Everyone clearly thinks we're liars and these pills are godsends... even though this manufacturer is evil. I want to be in on the class action lawsuit, unless we're ignored until the grave... Email me: {edited for privacy}

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Re: Adam (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

This has been going on for yeeeeeears now!! People need to be filling out MedWatch forms on the FDA site.

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Re: Adam (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Hi please let me know as well. Aurobindo is awful and I would like to take out big pharma.

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Re: Jessica (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I have opposite experience with blood pressure meds... aurobindo is the only one that does NOT make me sick.... I honestly think that as long as our medication is made in other countries it is a total crapshoot... we have no control over conditions or whatever else is added to the pills..

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Re: Adam (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I am so sick from the Aurobindo! I dont know how this company is allowed to give this poison to people. Something needs to be done.

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Re: Kelly (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Take fioricet for migraine I have used it and it works wonder.

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Re: Bo (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Please fill out a Medwatch report form on the FDA website.. more people need to complain en masse.

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Re: Burnedbycostofhealthinusa (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

0.17 grams = 170mg
20mg = 0.02g

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If your medication was manufactured by Aurobindo Pharmaceutical, the problems might be explained at the link below.


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Hello, Boop! How are you?

I think there are some details you aren't aware. A tablet that doesn't work as well for you as a prior one may very well have passed quality control and not had any problem being approved, because generic medications are allowed to differ from the name brand by as much as plus or minus 20% of the active ingredient.

In most cases the difference is insignificant and doesn't affect people, however, if someone is particularly sensitive to medications, they may experience a problem, when suddenly changed to one from a different manufacturer.

An issue may also occur, if someone has been taking the one made by a specific manufacturer for a long period of time and then suddenly switched to one that is slightly higher or lower in the active ingredient. In most cases, your body will adjust after a week or so, since the differences are so very slight.

In your case, since you said this one isn't working for you, it is most likely a bit lower in the active ingredient.

How long have you been taking the new one?

This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability and weight loss.

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