Aurobindo Norco (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been taking 10/325 norco for many years. A few days ago I received my medication and found it had been replaced with Aurobindo Pharm U03 imprint. They make me feel very ill with a headache nausea and worse they do not take my pain away at all. I also feel very dizzy. How has the FDA approved this Indian company? Has anyone else had a problem with the U03 10/325 hydrocodone. Im frightened to take them but need pain relief.
Re: Jwg (# 11)
Why should the people of the United States be forced to take drugs made in other countries with sub standard quality control..and there is no way our FAD regulations could ever be met..people get paid let things pass with junk ingredients...we need to contact our senators and bring our drugs back to the US...where they can be supervised.....FDA..wont approve life saving procedures and drugs for very ill patients...yet they let our very important meds be made in 3rd world countries...does this make sense to anyone!!!! Ya they are cheaper....but is it worth it...and our US companies could make the generic drugs for the same price....give me a break..they are making a fortune on these meds that they have made in other countries....i am done...this is outrageous...i knew within a couple of days that the meds weren't the same..terrible headache and dizziness...
you must report to FDA. I have called them and they sent me something to fill out regarding the bad reactions. If you don't do it.... they won't know.
Re: Big girl (# 8)
Yes Meijer Pharmacy switched to Aurobindo Brand on 11/02/17 and is not getting any pain relief. Pharmacy says it is same as Norco. You are not alone.
I have never encountered these so I don't have an actual reply about it but I actual very thankful for you all telling your story so I know what to look for. I have experienced taking medicine from India before and did have a terrible experience. One month I was forced to go to walmart pharmacy because I was out of town and they gave me my regular medicine except the company was different and i looked it up and it was from India. I didn't feel right after taking it and got a quick migraine with nausea. The drug I was on at the time was paxil the antidepressant. It is scary that is seems almost all drugs no matter the type coming from India are terrible and substandard and because we live in a greedy capitalist society nothing is done to protect us as patients. Now I know never ever to accept any of my pain meds if I see the bottle has that company's name. Thank you all. Best of luck to everyone here and I pray each of your pain can ease someday.
Meijer replaced my usual 10/325 qualitiest brand generic with the aurobindo white uo3 and the difference is staggering and frightening. I am shocked this medicine was dispensed by a brick and mortar pharmacy as it is nothing remotely similar to hydrocodone. Firstly, it doesn’t reduce pain. Second, I felt the effect within minutes —- and it was unpleasant and alarming. There was a heaviness behind my eyes and head that continued throughout the day. The best way to describe it was heavy and heady. I felt tired, and later became irritable, emotional and angry. India is known for making synthetic opioids and either the sloppy FDA approved a drug that includes one, or my pharmacist is rouge and replacing real drugs with synthetics, so HE can sell the actuals on the street. Do not accept the u03s if you can help it. I would have much preferred enduring a bit more pain with a weak Watson 853 refill from CVS. At least the pills would probably have been real.
Re: Wacwoo27 (# 20)
And they wonder why people become addicted to heroin. The government allows this to go on.
This brand bulls*** is new. Look at the major players and the recent opiate 'crackdown' in the us.
Yes I have been on the Norco 10-325 also. When I got my prescription filled at Meijer in October I did NOT check manufacturer but have had serious migranes, nausea an not relieving my pain. I just checked my bottle and pills and found they were manufactured by Aurobindo with U03 imprint on them too! I have had other reactions from them as well. I am very upset I was NOT notified of the change to this generic brand!! What can I do so I do NOT get this brand again. The side effects were not worth the benefit! However the pain is not manageable with just aspirin! ! VERY upset our government is putting our health at risk so they can profit even more than they already are!!
Re: Upset patient (# 27)
Ask them if they can order Watson instead. Mallinckrodt is also a favorite.
I just got my usual 7.5/.25 hydrododone/acetaminophen pill from my pain doctor for my lower back disc problems. I have a max of 3 tablets a day. I noticed when I received the pills that they are made from a new manufacturer called Aurobindo. I had to take 3 pills before 9 am to get any relief at all! I was so irritated! Definitely not the same as the Watson manufacturer. I have never had to do that before!
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I took the Aurobindo percocets for 15 days and that was long enough for me! I was nauseous, had a headache and no pain relief. I called my doctor, returned the Aurobindo and searched for a different manufacturer, what a difference. Do not buy anything made by Aurobindo!
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Who do you work for? AUROBINDO? THE FDA? INSURANCE COMPANIES? Your answer is unacceptable in the context of this discussion, considering what people are reporting. It looks to be a response in defense of the fraud which is occurring. I have found five of my non-pain medications so far which are made by Aurobindo and have located FDA analyses of the non-compliance in the manufacture of the medications. The violations include: med not made to specification; little to no of active ingredient included; toxins identified; "unacceptable" organisms included; one had road paint found on it; and the craziness goes on. I have just found out that my pain medication is made by Aurobindo. Found a letter that the FDA has been writing "letters" to Aurobindo for FIVE years about non-compliance. Then found where the FDA has investigation teams in all 19 Units (Plants) in India. Your suggestion that everyone simply adjust to the medication is ludicrous. Based on the language and perfect typing of your response, I believe you are working for those colluding in a tremendous fraud against citizens of the U.S.
Re: Virginia (# 31)
I totally agree with you! I have read several responses from this person & it definitely sounds like he is on the side of this terrible company, in all responses. I only came to this site in the first place cuz I too was given this seemingly placebo crap from aurobindo, & am very upset over it. I have absolutely no pain relief & like many other people, a very bad headache, & nausea. I have several back problems, arthritis & more. I have been getting the norco10-325 & know very well what they are like. This supposed generic "equivalent" is some kind of junk, worries me due to the severe headache, it is now a Saturday, so it will be at least Monday till I can even TRY to get something done about my pain, & don't know if I'll even get any where, between the Dr or pharmacy. Haven't taken any of the crap today & still lingering headache. Nothing I can do but suffer for now, thanks to the powers that be for allowing this travesty to pain patients in the 1st place.
Re: Jan (# 17)
I'm in agony myself due to this bogus product! The aurobindo 10-325 "norco" it gave me a TERRIBLE HEADACHE, nausea & NO pain relief at all. Worse yet the pharmacy refuses to do anything about it. Basically they don't care about my face to face complaint, & I offered to return this crap for a different generic, they refused. Family fare pharmacy, by the way. My Dr can't help cuz he can't write another script in the same month. The so called FDA should NOT be allowing this to happen to serious pain patients, but they have to know that this crap us sub-par to say the least, plus there must be something dangerous in it to be causing so many people severe headaches. I'm looking for a way to get this dangerous crap analyzed, but they make that expensive for the average person to do. Time to seek legal help, because this is a travesty. Is this all part of our new US- kill off the weak & fragile, cuz they don't matter to the powers that be? Stuff is getting to crazy - hopefully a lawyer will care.
I have not had bad side effects, but these are worthless to alleviate pain! Try telling that to your (my) doc that is resistant to writing the prescription to begin with, and gets upset that I would question taking more than the one pill within 12 hours!
Re: Donna (# 15)
I think your right I have very bad back now Costco switch from Watson to aurobindo they do nothing I thought there counterfeit
I've never had their Norco, luckily, but I have had their percocet. They're no better than a sugar pill with arsenic either. Aurobindo is total crap. Pretty much all the opioid manufacturers are total crap nowadays. I can't think of any that really work or don't have horrible side effects.
I remember years ago, I used to get vicodin/norco and percocet (watson, mallinckrodt) that not only worked for the pain, but actually had "feel good" side effects. Such formulations no longer exist.
I'm so glad I googled this brand and saw these comments! I thought I was going crazy..since filling my Norco at Meijer and getting this bogus brand I have been so sick, nausea, dizzy, headaches, fatigue, feels like my nerve endings are on fire and if I stand for more than a few minutes it feels like I'm going to pass out!! Even went to the ER today and of course they found nothing! I'm going back to Walgreens filling my prescription, they carry Watson..Not sure how I'll make it through the rest of the month on these crap pain pills..they cause more pain than they alleviate!!!
I thought the pharmacy had given me the wrong medication so I googled Aurobindo norco and found this site. Never before did I get dizzy, nausea and headaches from norco until this RX of Aurobindo from Costco. There's something in these pills that is causing these terrible side effects. I'm not taking anymore of them. I have too much pain already without adding more to it. I'm seriously considering reporting this to the FDA.
I found that I need to take more of the aurobindo to get the same relief. Especially if my back is at it's worst, i may need 2-3 before 9am! good luck! Unfortunately they seem to be more concerned with what is on paper then actually helping patients. It's sad that the people who really need relief have to suffer.
Re: Lin (# 38)
Hi Lin. Sorry to hear about your experience with (Aurobindo/Aurolife) Norco. Have you had a chance to compare the list of inactive ingredients (binders/fillers) in this version vs other manufacturers you've taken prior to this?
Here's more pill information for the 10/325mg tablet:
Pill Imprint: U03
National Drug Code: 13107-021
Active Ingredients: Hydrocodone Bitartrate + Acetaminophen
Inactive Ingredients
-Silicon Dioxide
-Croscarmellose Sodium
-Magnesium Stearate
-Cellulose, Microcrystalline
-Povidone K30
-Starch, Corn
-Stearic Acid
You can also file a complaint through the FDA's MedWatch program at:
I hope this helps!
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