Aurobindo Adderall + Cellulitis (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've been on Adderall since I was a kid and never had an issue in terms of the Teva generics. Like most people I've read about, I don't like the Corepharma at all, but since I moved to the middle of nowhere, I'd have to start getting my 30mg Adderall at Kinney Drugs, which uses this Aurobindo stuff. I am convinced that it's totally causing me some unknown problems. I had a massive foot infection from cellulitis that sent me to the hospital a couple weeks ago. I was on antibiotics etc for 3 days, got over it just fine, and now that I've recently filled it again, I am again noticing my foot inflaming etc, and I've had to start coupling it with what I have left of antibiotics. I have a disfigurement in my feet, called a tarsal coalition, common for people with issues in this area to get infections, specifically right there - yet this seems to be sparking it hardcore. I also have high blood pressure, bad circulation, I smoke, etc. But I had a clean bill coming out of the ER, and am young so really am worried. I really just want to hear if anyone is having strange problems with this particular brand. I think something is wrong with it, I do. Does anyone have a similar story?
3 Replies
First off you are correct. Aurobindo should be shut down or at the least not aloud in this country. There QA standards are the worst in the industry. They have been sited by the FDA many times for contaminated work areas with bacteria levels in the highly dangers spectrum. The binders and fillers they use are also sub standards and couse many health issues. Sadly the Fda QA teams are spread out way to thin. Aurobindo does not care becoase the fines they get are very small.
Aurbindo is coming from India. I am having bad reaction from it. I believe we should not be importing drugs from India. Besides, the drug STINKS. GAGS ME TO TAKE IT.
Yes, this medication has been known to cause infections, or increase the risk of them, it is also known to cause elevated blood pressure, according to FDA reports, regardless of manufacturer. Stimulants such as Adderall are not usually prescribed for someone with high blood pressure.
Are you on any other medications, such as something for your blood pressure? Because they can also contribute to circulatory problems, which can increase the risk of infection.
Multiple medications could be compounding the problems you are experiencing.
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