Atenolol And Bad Taste
UpdatedI have been taking 25 mg of Atenolol for some time. It seems that since the shortage during the winter, I have had a bad taste in my mouth for some time. I am wondering if anyone else has noted this. It is the only medication I take. One doctor did wonder if any non-active ingredients in the Atenolol now being shipped have changed to create this effect. Has anyone else noticed this?
4 Replies
I did a little research and according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information orally administered Atenolol is known to have a bitter taste. Different companies try to mask this by decreasing the solubility of the drug or by removing the interaction of the drug with the taste buds but it will vary from brand to brand and batch to batch. Basically some companies will flavor their drugs or coat their pills with a film so that you your tongue will not come in contact with the active ingredients.
It is also noted that some users notice a "metallic taste" after using the medication for prolonged periods of time.
In conclusion, Atenolol is known to taste bad and unfortunately they did a poor job of masking it with your current batch.
I hope this information helps.
Re: Kevin (# 1)
Thank you. I am glad to hear that I am not imagining the taste or the only one to have it. Again, it seems to be recent batches as I did not have this taste prior to late winter even though taking the drug for a few years.
Re: KC94 (# 2)
Atenolol and bad taste - My doctor had me ask the pharmacist about atenolol and any complaints. They said they had none. I was given the number for the manufacturer -Zydus Pharmaceutical. I called them to ask if the recent shortage of Atenolol may have led to substitutes with some different "non active indredients." I was told they didn't think so and was asked to send a sample of my pills. I also spoke with a pharmacist there who seemed interested and was going to contact CVS about different batches or makers. I never heard back from anyone for over a month. When I went for a refill, I asked the CVS pharmacist is they had been contacted. He said he never heard of the situation and was not contacted. Nothing in my health or medicines have changed for some time, but I have had the "bad taste" that lasts all day since late winter - just about the time Atenolol was said to be in short supply. At that time CVS actually doubled my dosage from 25 mg to 50 mg without telling me I was to take half a pill. The pills looked the same so I took them as I usually do until I noticed they were running our faster than they should. When I went to CVS they said - you should be taking half a pill. Wouldn't it be nice if they told me that or even wrote it on the bottle or attached a notice.
Put it in teaspoon of honey,I learned the after c3-4 spinal surgery and was choking on my meds. Several very bitter .meds go down Easley and masks taste,plus honey is good for you. You can just roll pill in the honey if you don't need total spoonful
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