At 65 Is It Normal To Have A Thick Lining In The Uterus
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All heard for years that I'm pre cancer for my uterus most GYN want me to take a progesterone for the rest of my life for the thick lining. Now for 3 weeks I've been back on it and for the last week I've started back spot bleeding which I'm not happy about so if I stop will I continue to spot bleed..

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I am 62 and post menopausal. I have had Palups removed from my uterus and the results came back fine but my doctor has asked me to take medroxyprogesterone 20 mg a day for six months and re-evaluate just to be safe. Is this normal procedure and is it safe? Another question, I had my spleen removed years ago - would this give me a different reading in my estrogen levels?

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Any ideas what next and what was going on if you've been on Provera for complex endo hyperplasia for 6 weeks, first at 10mg then 20mg a day continuously and the heavy bleeding did not stop?

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Hello, Joelin! How are you?

After menopause, while your body usually stops producing progesterone, you still produce estrogen, plus it is made by any fat cells you have and a lot of foods and environmental factors are contaminated with it and it is estrogen that builds up the endometrial lining, so yes, you can still build up a pretty thick one.

The Medroxyprogesterone is causing spotting, because it's breaking up that lining to clean out your uterus. Usually, most women experienced this for a few weeks, then they are done and it doesn't happen, again.

The FDA lists the other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, headache and PMS-like symptoms.

If you stop, the bleeding will most likely stop, but the lining may continue to build up, which may put you at risk of cancer and other health issues.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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