Asthmanefrin Refills
UpdatedAsthmaNefrin has kept me alive. It really relieves my asthma with no side effects. I wish the FDA would quit picking on this very effective and safe relief from asthma.
2 Replies
There may be some hope. An Epinephrine Inhaler called "Prime Asthma Relief" is being marketed by its inventor Dr. James Z. Liu, MD, PhD. He is also working on another product called "EpiMist". An OTC Mist Epinephrine for Asthma. Also, read the many reviews that give his products 5 stars.
Hi Lois & Gerry. I got an email today saying that EpiMist is now available at the Dr. Natural Healing, Inc. site. A bottle of 250 sprays costs $65 which isn't cheap but at least the shipping is free. I placed an order for one try it out. I tried their Prime Asthma Relief product with just so-so results as the dry powder sometimes made me cough. The new product is a liquid spray so I hope it will be an improvement. Hope this helps.
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