Astepro Forums
Recently active Astepro forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Astepro and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.This is the only medication that works for my allergies and when it went over the counter I was extremely disappointed as I didn’t think it worked anymore. I just discovered that it works just fine if I purchase it from Walmart. I was purchasing it from Amazon and I assume the blistering temperatures in the delivery vehicles ruined the product because it did not work at all when I bought it from Amazon. I actually thought it was fake.
UpdatedInterested in hearing about side effects. I have had hip and leg pain after 3 days of taking Astepro. When I stopped the Astepro, the pain disappeared in 2 days. ## It would be a good idea to stop taking it. Find a doctor who prescribes opioids for pain, not someone who gives you ineffective meds just so that you don't potentially become dependent. Just my opinion. ## I took Astepro just one time. My nose was all stuffed up, around my eyes felt swelled up. I had really bad lines forming in my laugh lines. My nose remained stuffed up for about 5 more days after using one spray in each nostril. I could still breath thru my nose though. Most of my taste was gone. Now one corner of my mouth has something wrong with it. It feels like a split but there's no split and it feels really t...
3 REPLIES UpdatedAfter trying 7 OTC meds and a cortisone shot, THIS med stopped my constant rhinitis!!! Love it. ## I just started today and I feel clearer. I have very sensative reactions to meds. will let you know Have had 2 weeks no sleep due to post nasal drip and cannot take oral antihistimines, Also I will try quercetin a natural allergy med with no side effects. Good luck to everybody ## Glad to hear you are having good luck with it. Please post back, when you can, and let us know how it is continuing to work for you. ## Have been using Astepro for 5 days and have had nose bleeds for the last 3 days. Has any had this side long did it last??? ## Nose bleeds are a very common side effect of this class of medications. They should taper off as your body gets used to the drug. If it doesn...
4 REPLIES Updated