Aspavor Side Effects (Page 2) (Top voted first)


aspavor side effects and drug information

69 Replies (4 Pages)

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What can my husband do to get rid of the back pain. He drinks the medicine for month and pain get worse. He drink 80mg per day

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Hi how long before asvopor starts working

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I have having leg muscle pain since my dosage of Aspavor was increased a year ago. It seems to be getting worse.... I can't stand in one place for too long...have to sit or walk around. I am stopping the drug completely.

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Can Aspavor cause continuous coughing ?

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Hi, for the first time my cholesterol has been high....and my doctor put me aspavor a bit sceptical....after reading side effects....and knowing that I am at high risk for osteo as a result of my full hysterectomy and because I already have joint pain...what are my options here?

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Hi, atolip and aspavor is the same meds. Different packaging basically.

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I have recently had my dose of Aspivor upped from 20mg to 40mg. A week after going onto the higher dose, I felt awful.
I have just had my cholesterol tested at the clinic today to find that all my reading are well below safety lines. What affect has Aspivor on someone who has acceptable cholestrol levels?

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Ek dink nie so nie. Gaan terug na jou doctor!

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I am a 65 year old female who had double mastectomy in July 2015. Recently I have developed a bad cough which is quite debilitating. I had a chest CT scan and my lungs are clear and healthy - no cancer. The medication that I am on for various other reasons is as follows. Please advise if any of these can be causing my cough: ASPAVOR, ADCO-ZOLPIDEM, ACCORD LETROZOLE, ECOTRIN, TWYNSTA and I also take B=CAL-DM, CENTRUM SELECT 50+ and TRIMEGA. Please help me to establish if any of the above can be the cause of my cough.

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Ive had to find a suppliment to use to assist with the libdo issue. But I can't comfirm that it is linked to aspavor. I'm on 40mg

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Not sure what the reason is for the exclamation mark!!!!!! I stopped using Aspavor 3 days ago and would you believe it, my cough has stopped so not necessary to go back to doctor.

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Is there clinical proof that the use of aspavor may cause burning feet and ED problems?

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Hi I am a 57 year old male. my weight is 80kilo grams and my cholestrol level after doing a blood test is 5.7. my doctor has prescribed ASPAVOR 40mg, after reading the side effects of this drug I am hesitant to take it. PLEASE could you advice me.

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Suffer servere coughing and chokingespecially at night

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Since using aspavor 20mg I get muscle pain, swolen feet.must I stop.
I started using RyChol .please help

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Good day,

I have been on aspavor going on 3 years now. started me on 20mg, after about a year, it was increased to 40mg.

Too date, I have suffered no ill noticable side effects at all.

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The side effects caused by use of aspavor can this cause permanent damage for example the weakness, dizziness, rheumatism etc?

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Hi. My mom stopped taking Aspavor for some time and started taking it again about a month ago. Lately she has had terrible cramps at night in her thighs, which last for a long time. Could this be due to the Aspavor?

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using aspivor for two years. noticed that i have a skin reaction but not sure if the medication is the cause. the allergy is rounded,inflamed and pink in pigmentation in specific areas.most common on buttocks,two arms and thigh area. has a slight itch which allows scaring after scratching. the next morning or few hours disappears and appears in another area. CRP levels were high before and now has stabilized and an allergy test was done to check for internal reaction which was negative.

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After a quadrippel heartbypass op December 2007, I was tprescribed Aspavor 20mg by the doctor. My chemist recommended a cheaper one to supplement the one prescribed by the doctor which I have been using until two months ago when I decided to rrevert back to the prescribed Aspavor (Pharmacia; atorvastatien) 20mg. Since then I have developed a rash on both my forarms which I never had before. It is some form of reaction. allergy, which I never had before. Looking up the side effects of Aspavor I noticed one possible side effect is allergy. Could this be the cause of the itchy rash on my forarms?

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