Asenlix/dinintel 30 Mg (Page 2)
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How long have you been taking this and how long before yo see results.

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hi nicola..! thanks for reading my reviews! dinintel does work mi fren...!! when u r jus startin takin it ur mouth is going to feel dried out every minute but jus drink lots of water!! i hav never drink so much water until now.! i quit drinkin sodas about 5 months now n sweet drinks so that also help a bit.u must always include a little vegetable n fruits in ur diet. when i was takin the tablet i get hungry rarely so that proves it does curb ur appitite. u can still eat ur favourite food but eat small portions n jus drink lots of water if u think u r not full. if i can do it u can! go loose the weight girl! good luck to u!!

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Hi there Neika! It's great reading a review from a fellow Jamaican!
I actually got the Dinintel 30mg capsules from a pharmacist yesterday to aid weight loss and like I always do, log on here to get further info. Your review has given me hope that these capsules will work for sure, thanks much.

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it really works for me!! i was 190 now im 172 in 2 months. a little or no exercise at all!!. i feel very confident to try new clothes n i even hav peole who known me tellin me i need to get on back the weight??? they think i lost too much??? loosin weight has been very challengin for me for a long while so now i found the solution! i am 5 8/9in tall. so i dnt wanna look too skinny. but i look great now.even though i stopped taking dinintel over a month n a half now i have not gain no weight. i still try to control my portion of food. take one in the mornin before breakfast n the other before lunch.dn t take it late than 12.30pm. good luck to u!!

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Should that be before or after meals and does this really work

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That should be before or after meals and does this really work

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hey drena! i take 1 in the morning around 8 ant the other at 12.30pm. i never take my tabs late than that! maybe thats why insomnis doesnt stick around me!! good luck! i look n feel great!!!!!

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how do u take the pill like twice a day when???

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yup!! i was 190 now i am 175. bein on the tablet 2mths,no exercise! i do eat sometimes but the moment i start eating i felt full..!! jeans that i had that couldnt fit go up easily now n buttoned! that felt great!! think i wanna loose another 10 pounds. dont wanna look skinny but .... lol im happy because of dinintel..!! im living in jamaica n i got the prescription from my doctor.i have a repeat supply so i can get it whenever i want! im loving it! i will never b fat again!!

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silk please were did you get your?

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Hey am so happy for u, cause I feel the same way, I lost over 30lbs now am 130lbs and this tablet is just fabulous.

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Dinintel is a doctors recommended tablet. I must say I lose 12pounds in a month! No exercise! I am now starting another months supply to loose more. It kinda sucks to b walkin and ur jeans come all the way down to ur hips but it feels great to know u r loosing the weight!! It has been very hard for me to lost weight. I tried but with dinintel it does work! Only thing that confuses me is that people speak of insomnia..friends,this tablet makes me sleep like a baby! I never taken it later than 12.30pm.only side effect is the dry mouth but when you drink a glass of water it feels good goin down. Dinintel is the best! Will let u know next month when I get slim n trim!!

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I have just lost 27 lbs. I was 265 lbs. My goal is 160. I gained a ton of weight after a complicated pregnancy. Had a c-section. Plus, my baby was pushing on my spine which created major lower back pain, sciatica nerve pain ... I ended up on pain medication. Found after after I got off the pain medication that it actually was part of the facilitator which put the weight on -- they make you retain major water. And, eat! And, not want to do any exercising. Anyhow, I ended up at mediweightlossclinics. Best lifestyle change for me EVER. You get B-12 and B-complex injections with metabolic boosters (amino acids, etc..). Plus, if you request, they you can get an appetite surpressent. Which, the first couple of weeks I felt I needed it. But, now, I may take on every so often. For the first week, all you eat is protein (and nothing else for 1 week). Drink lots of water, vitamin water zeros, powerade zeros are all exceptable. After the first week, you start feeling better. Then you are allowed to add either fruit of veggies (i.e. a salad with the protein). After several weeks you will see that you can add a little bit of whatever else you want. But, your cravings are gone. If you mess up, you repeat week one. But, I have only had to do that once. And, I do occassionally have a mixed drink (of course with no carb mix like use vodka and diet soda, or mix it with vitamin water). Honestly, I have had my moments where I have had a few beers, cheetos, a burrito, etc..... But, the next day, I am really conservative and eat mostly protein. I eat eggs the most, because they are only 35 calories. So, I will make a 3-egg omelette and turkey sausage for lunch. If you want to lose weight, you cannot rely on drugs alone. It doesn't work. You have to change your lifestyle. If you eat more protein, and get rid of the carbs, trust me, you can add them back in slowly. Now, that I have lost some of my weight, it is contageous. Your clothes start dropping OFF! It is an amazing feeling. I walk too. I started out barely getting by with 30 minutes. Now, I am up to 1:15 minutes of POWER WALKING. It is $80 a week for the injections and the appetite surpressent. It is worth every penny. And, I don't have the money every week, but I stay true to the diet. They have a website. It is a doctor supervised program. A girlfriend of mine is done with the program. Like you and me, she had a ton of weight to lose. She lost it in 6 months and now looks AMAZING and gorgeous. I started toward the end of January. Doctor told me by September I would hit my goal. And, I believe it. Good luck!

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Weight loss was always a struggle for me, I'm currently 285 pounds and I found it so hard and tiring to keep up with eating right and exercising on time, so I'm trying Dinintel Clobenzorex hydrochloride 30mg.My goal is to loose 75-80 pounds because its also not healthy to have on all of this weight. I've been on it for a week now and the only side effects that I'm experiencing is dry mouth which causes me to drink a lot of water, it keeps me energetic (giving me the urge to exercise more), I find myself being more focused at wk, I don't feel hungry at all (but I still eat a healthy meal or a fruit) and if I take it to late I end up going to bed late. If haven't had any chest pains or felt my heart beating irregular (except when I'm exercising). Even though I did not experience any of the more sivere side effects, I recommend you check with your doctor and get a complete physical check up before using this pill. I haven't seen any difference in the weight as yet but will keep you posted throughout my journey.

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I started Asenlix/Dinintel 30mg on Monday August 22 and immediately the side effects such as insomina, palpitation, mouth dryness took me over. its the seconday August 23rd and still teh same side effects. I have teh erge to eat. I do believe this drug is really risky and one might KILL themselves by chancing this drug. After two days I'm one I'm not risking a second more out of the Life that God has given me. Please research tany weight loss drug especially DININTEL before taking it.

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need to loose 30lbs now
i am weighing about 165lbs and i am 5ft

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i would love an objective answer on dinintel and it therapeutic and side effects.

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to be honest with you,i ahve been on it for week,I AM NOT FEELING HUNGRY AT ALL BUT DO GET DRY drink plenty of water.How many do you take?I take 2 in the morning,but was starting to get a little peckish so i now take 3.But there is no harm at all.But try 2

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this is true.. in almost all of the 1990 s i took this pill once a day in the morning.. it caused cold sweats, sleeplessness,nervousness, inability to concentrate, feeling of euphoria and loss of appetite.. I did lose weight ,so much that ppl thought I was the natural thing and eat less and go for walks..limit your calorie intake and you are sure to lose weight the safest way.

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