Asenlix Forums
Recently active Asenlix forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Asenlix and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains and cream colour capsule ## Sorry drugs from outside the U.S. are just not regulated like those under the FDA's regulations. I can only suggest that you ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information. ## WANT A LITERATURE ON DINITEL ## ok ## i would like to know the side effects of ## Stay away from Dinintel at all cost! seriously addictive you'll stop eating & sleeping altogether and it'll take you a long,long time to detox psychologically & mentally. ## ...of course physically. ## I have tried the pill before and it work so much for me but i cant find it anymore ## I take dinintel and it works prefectly for me with excerise ## i weight 163 pounds..i feel like a log. Somebody recommended Dinintel. Any side effects? ## I AM GOING TO TRY THIS DIET PILL AND I...
what store can i go to get asenlix dinintel and what county ## i want to buy dinintel tablet to lose weight.I took it before 13 years ago and it worked for me so i want to try it again. ## Hello, I already took dinintel few years ago and it went very well, I've never exceeded the dose 1gélule/jour and I had all the energy I needed, because it is issue of energy especially in my case. I weigh 94 kg for 160cm. I live in France.Help! ## wher can i buy asenlix capsules ## I need to know where can i buy asenlix/dinintel please anyone ? ## I am in Jamaica and I can't seem to find it anywhere. Anyone know where I can get it...please help
A Mexican weight loss drug. ## Clobenzorex (also known under the brand names Asenlix, Finedal, or Rexigen; or the US slang greenies) is a stimulant drug used as an anorectic (that is, a medication that suppresses appetite). The drug is legally distributed in Mexico under the trade name Asenlix by the Aventis pharmaceutical corporation. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## QUIERO COMPRAR ASENLIX PARA ADELGAZAR ## j atend toujours mon asenlix que je vous est envoyé en cheque et chrono post ## j atend ma commande de asenlix je v répondé moi le plus vite possible mercious l ai envoyé par chrono pos ## c est du asenlix clobenzorex ## Quiero conprar anselix ho dinitel cuanto cuestan ##...
I am using this (hopefully short term - if i don't get addicted) to suppress my appetite due to the fact that going to the gym and lifting weights is making me eat alot and all the time. Which concerns me dreadfully. I want to define and sculpt my body and I think this appetite suppressant along with taking a vitamin (erovit m for therapeutic use) and also a fat burner will help me to get rid of a little fat (it's not much I have to lose). Does any1 know anything about Asenlix/Dinintel? Would it be safe to use for a while? ## quand es que je vais recevoir mon produit asenlix 60 gellules ## Yes, it's definitely good to use short term.
I really need to lose some weight so I have been hearing about this pill and want to try it, but don't how I can get it? Does this medication require a prescription or is it available over-the-counter? ## Does anyone know where I can purchase Asenlix/Dinintel? ## Dinintel contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, it is a stimulant used as an appetite suppressant to help aid in weight loss. As to purchasing it, what country are you in? In the U.S. it is available by prescription only, but I am not certain about other countries. It should only be used under a doctor's supervision, because it can cause serious side effects, such as nausea, dizziness and anorexia. ## Hi, where can I find Dinintel pill over the counter? I live in Trinidad and can't seem to get any here. ## Hi. ...
how does it work? how long does it take to work? will it work for me? ## I want to know if dinintel really works? ## I want to know where to buy dinintel 30mg? ## Hi, yes I've tried this diet pill. Let me tell u, it works wonders! You can't compare to any other. I lost 15 in the first 3 weeks and that's withouth exercising. Eventually it gives you the energy to exercise(and im not much of an exercise freak heh). This diet pill actually got me to eating healthy and exercising, I guess its 'cause its so motivating to see urself loosing so much weight. I went from weighing 190 to 140. The only problem is that I have to go all the way to mexicali to see my DR. but yeah, I highly recomend this. =) ## I've been using it and it cuts my appetite. I guess that's how the w...
have been trying to find asenlix with no luck. I have taken it in the past and it really works. Does anyone know where/how i can get it over the counter? ## Asenlix, commonly sold in the U.S. under the brand name DInintel, contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, it is a stimulant used to help with weight loss. Side effects can include: nausea, dizziness, anorexia and thirst. What country are you in? In the U.S. is it available only be prescription. ## it works very well give me lots energy and not hungry at all. ## Hi i used asenlix 6 years ago it was a great weightloos drug, not hungry not jittery, need to drop 20 pounds put on following the death of my mother, i am having a problem to find a trusted source i see in your comments you may have a place where i can buy, probably only ...
CREAM AND GREEN CIRCULAR PILLS ## asenlix info ## Sorry, this is not an approved U.S. drug and as such, I cannot find any information on it. ## can anyone please tell me how i can buy these pills ## just brought some Dinintel tablets, want to lose 20llbs, a close friend just loss 25llbs using it. no side effects, she confess it gave her great energy. it is available over the counter in my country Trinidad and Tobago. will let all know if it worked for me . ## hi, i used this pill about 6 years ago, it is a super good pill, i wans't hungry at all, it did not make me jittery ,lost 20 pounds fast. i bought it in mexico 6 years ago, cannot go back to mx. have been looking online for a reputable suplier, was wondering if anyone gave you the name [ website address ] where i can but them t...
Please, could you let me know where can I get Asenlix? I really need to loose some weight before my wedding in July 2012. ## Hi Laura, Clobenzorex (Asenlix, Dinintel) is a stimulant drug of the phenethylamine and amphetamine chemical classes used as an appetite suppressant. The drug is legally distributed in Mexico under the trade name Asenlix by Aventis. However it appears to be banned in several other countries, so it seems that one would have to obtain it in Mexico if they want to legally use it. At the same time, it's difficult to see why someone would consider using it, based on the drug's dangerous profile of side effects. Have you considered any other weight loss options?
can I take asenlix 30mg if I also take diovan 320mg. ## What has your doctor advised? Asenlix contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, which is a stimulant used to aid in weight loss. These are not commonly recommended for heart or blood pressure patients because it an raise both blood pressure and heart rate.
SIDE EFFECTS OF ASENLIX/DININTEL ## Common side effects of Clobenzorex (the active ingredient in both Dinintel and Asenlix) are anxiety, insomnia, dry mouth, nausea, and fast heart beat. To learn more about this drug click on the link below... Do you have any more information to add? PLease post back if you do. ## What is the drug used for , all its side effects and what is the proper usegae of the drug ## Clobenzorex (also known under the brand names Asenlix, Dinintel, Finedal, or Rexigen; or the US slang greenies) is a stimulant drug used as an anorectic (that is, a medication that suppresses appetite). Clobenzorex is supplied in 30mg doses as the hydrochloride salt in green-tinted capsules. Common side effects of Clobenzorex (the active ingredient in both Dinintel and Asenlix) are an...
j atend asenlix ya na mare ## ou il ma été envoyer ## Celui-ci contient l'ingrédient actif clobenzorex, un stimulant utilisé comme coupe-faim. Les effets indésirables fréquents peuvent inclure: nausées, somnolence, irritabilité, maux de tête et de l'anorexie. Lire la suite ici: Y at-il des questions? ## j atend toujours mon asenlix sinon j avertie paypal car vous aver recu mon paiement et vous l acez encaisser ## j atend mon produit asenlix je vous laisse 10 jours pas plus car j ai fait mon paiement a paypal come vous me l aver demander et vous aver pas hésiter a encaisser mon argent vous aveé recu un advertissement de paypal pour le retard ## je conné sa avant quand sa existé en france je prené bcp du dinitel...
je le trouveré dans ma boite aux letres ou a la poste et la faite le nécessaire car j en n ai mare d atendre ## Vous avez fait plusieurs postes à ce sujet, donc s'il vous plaît permettez-moi de clarifier la situation. Vous n'avez pas pour quoi que ce soit à partir de notre site Web. Nous ne fabriquons pas ni ne vend aucun médicament. Nous sommes un site d'information seulement. Pour résoudre votre problème, je vous suggérons d'utiliser la preuve que vous dites que vous avez de votre commande pour voir ce site web et votre société lui a ordonné de les contacter en ce qui concerne l'ordre que vous n'avez pas reçu! Avez-vous fait cela, et pourtant?
Je ne les jamais recu ## Nous ne fabriquons pas ni ne vend aucun produit, que ce soit. Nous sommes un site d'information seulement. Où avez-vous le commander à partir de? Vous aurez besoin de les contacter au sujet du problème. Essayer la recherche à votre réception ou tout autre information sur l'ordre où ils vous ont fourni. Je suis désolé, je souhaite que je pourrais vous aider, mais puisque nous ne vendons rien, vous n'avez pas le commander chez nous.
vous avez encaisser mon paiement sa ma déplut car depuis que j atend asenlix je vais finir par faire opposition ## Non, nous n'avons pas prendre tout type de paiement de votre part. Nous ne fabriquons pas ni vendre tout type de produits, nous sommes un site d'information seulement. Vous devez être à la recherche de la société que vous avez commandé à partir, avez-vous essayé de les contacter en ce qui concerne le problème? Je suis en supposant que votre commandé ce produit en ligne. N'avez-vous pas le recevoir? Avez-vous essayé de contacter votre banque afin de déposer une plainte?
How long should it be taken for? Is alcohol safe with it and smoking? What are the possible side effects? ## I have taken asenlix on and off for 5 yrs. with no problems. If you know about its availability pls tell me. I have been able to maintain my wt. @ 120- 125 pds with no side effects noted.
I WANT TO TRY THIS WEIGHT LOSS DRUG, BUT I NEED TO GET MORE INFORMATION DESPERATELY. ## I want to lose 10 pounds fast. Will this medication help? ## The active ingredient in this medication is Clobenzorex, a stimulant used as an anoretic. This is a Mexican drug. ## Must I exercise when taking this pill?
plz find intravil, asenlix for me.. Thanks! ## are you still trying to find intravil? if so, email me and i will give you the source i buy from. ## I am still looking for these!! ## hey pooch, thanks!! i cant figure out how to email you back to get the source you get them from. ## nalah, email me @ mlieb1[at]verizon[dot]net. have tried to send this multi times. hope you get this ## trying to reach you do you have an email address ## i keep trying to post it, but this site wont let me?? ## bmpassick@gmail