Artribion Information
Updatedcapsula vitaminada
It is listed as a vitamin, but I cannot find more specific information.
Was this prescribed for you?
como hago para comprar artribion vitaminado para la actritis?
I was perscribed artribion which I bought from a health food store but I forget WHAT it is for ?
Artribion is catalogued as a Dietary Supplement. It contains: Neurotropric B1, B6, B12 + Diclofenac Sodium. and its suppused to help you against reumatoid athritis and pain.
Artribion is an excellent Remedy for Arthritis, it helped my mother tremendously. I'm in the process of establishing a dropshipper.
can pregnant women take artribion? is it safe for the baby?
yose donde comprar las pastillas
ARTRIBION mandarme un mail
ok ....bye
WHere can i find the artribion pills at?
Donde se pueden comprar estas pastillas porfavor?
Where can I buy these pills please?
Please let us know who manufactures Arbitrion.
Can you be kind enough to let us know the health food store you purchased artribion please
I have heard that artribition is very good for arthritis. It is not sold here in U.S.A., anyone that goes to el Salvador can bring you some. I still have not found its side effects.
someone gave my Mother Arpritbion, I have no idea what this is for, can you please tell me.
Thanks to Google Translate I was able to gather a bit of information about this:
Indicated for:
State-inflammatory aches and pains of various causes. Degenerative forms of inflammatory activity and inflammatory pain of rheumatism, such as: arthritis, spondylarthrosis, chronic polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, attack
Do not take if the following conditions exist:
Hypersensitivity to the components, esophagitis, gastritis, ulcers and duodenal gastric, during pregnancy and lactation, in children under 6 years, in severe Liver or kidney disease and older people.
Sorry if the above text doesn't make 100% sense, but the translator only goes so far ;)
I just heard of this pill. My mom wanted me to take it since I have chronic back and leg pain, but just read that it has Diclofenac. I had been taking Prescription Diclofenac which my Dr had me on for over 1 1/2 yrs. My regular Dr ran some blood test and it turns out that it has affected my liver so I had to stop taking it.
If your planing on taking this pill for a long period of time, get your liver tested.
I have a box of 50 Softgels which my wife's cousin in Costa Rica sent for me.
The Website mentioned on the Box is and the Email is
It is odd because I look on the Website and there is no mention of Artribion, so I have EMailed to ask if there is a Retailer in the States. The Website does show a few US Distributors but like I said , there is no mention of Artribion.
It is made in El Salvador by Biokemical.
I just found an online Pharmacy by the name of farmaciaelsalvador - no idea if it is good or not but is the only one I have seen so far. see my other post on the information on the Box that I was sent by my wife's niece in Costa Rica.
I take these pills. I have Osteo Arthritis. I have an awesome diet. Nothing has ever worked for me as these pills have. In the morning when I get up, I usually take about twenty minutes to accommodate my knees so i can walk on em. These pills let me wake up and get up, all day long.
Most Recent Replies:
Can I take Artribion Vitaminado daily as a maintenance regimen?
Can I take Artribion with pain medication or are there any drug interactions?
Re: marvin camacho (# 3)
Compralos por amazon o ebay. El carton con 20 sobers en total 80 capsules me salio en 45.00 dolores con el envio incluido.
What are the age requirements of Artribion? It doesn’t say. Can I take it for my swollen foot? My doctor said I need to take it and that when I do my pain will be gone within 1 hour forever.
Hola, soy Edgar. Sufro de Gota. Pregunta: El Artribion ayuda durante in ataque de Gota; o 23rd solo para dolor de Artritis?. Gracias
Hola donde las puedo comprar las necesito para mi madre que esta en un grito
I found them in Las Vegas at the Dollar store! I love them.
Yes it is sold in El Salvador, but if you live in Los Angeles you can buy it on Alvarado St. This is were most medicine like this one can be found.
Not safe for pregnant /lactating women
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