Artichoke- Alcachofivida (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have a question in regards Alcachofavida (artichoke liquid solution) that contains apple vinegar, fennel fluid, L-cCarnitine, L-Lisine).I want to know if this product is healthy for the body and wich will be the side effects. Somebody told me someone have had some liver problems. I am looking around online and the only thing is there is about how good it is and how to get it. I haven't really found any medical comment or warning about it. I took this product for about two weeks and I lost a lot of weight. I am not sure if I want to continue, I want to have a serious opinion first. I want to loose more weight but I don't want to damage my body and my health.

53 Replies (3 Pages)

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I also had elevated liver enzymes , did you figure out if it was due to the ampoules?

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Actually you can now find these pill and at fiesta grocery store

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hello i would like to know what web site you can find the pills?

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May I ask should the Alcachofivida be taken before or after we have our meal...I am using the liquid type, not the pill type and I can't remember the intructions...please help...Thanks!

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The ones at wallace are junk

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DONT TAKE IT!!! It may make you lose weight at first, but it will continuously damage your heart and liver!!! i used to take the Alcachovifida ampules liquid types for more than 3 months and i experienced palpitations, insomnia and hair loss. The blood test even showed me having high dangerous of tumor!! I'm 29 yo and used to be totally healthy! I now regret having taken Alcachovifida for 3 months!!!

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For those still wondering it looks like Amazon still has the Alcachofa in both pill and ampoule forms. Hope this helps!

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Hi Rose,
I know I'm responding to an old post, but I too tried these in 2012 and they helped me lose weight which I kept off for a long time. I have since been having thyroid issues and am now on medication, but my weight crept back up. I've tried them again, but the packaging is now different -- metal top, rather than glass pop off. I'm wondering if you continued taking them and if so were they the all glass kind? I found the EBay guy and am thinking of buying from him (I purchased from another site before, however I think they are imitation.) Thanks and hope the battle has been successful :)

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Where can I buy this? These seem great. Can someone tell me? Thanks.

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I think many of you are taking alcachofa liquid (tincture) full strength. When I have bought it, it was in a bottle. I put 2 to 3 drops in a glass of water (6 oz). I did this 2 times a day. I lost 5 lbs the first week and the same the second. I did not take it long term. The price you are paying strikes me as extraordinary. I paid $3.00 for mine. Granted I bought it in Mexico. It is a simple solution. It should not be expensive. I bought it in Mexico in a plaza near where I live. I would be very suspicious of anyone who is charging $60 to$ 85 for ampules.

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How do you know if you have imitations? I purchased before and it worked. I just re purchased some on the internet and now the pkg is different, ingredients are different and it no longer has the original logo on the box.

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I have been taking alcachofa about 4 months and have lost about 15 lbs. I keep taking it to maintain it. I recently had blood test and it turns out that i may have high liver enzymes but i don't know if it's because of it. I have a doctors appt to find out more information

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I have bought them about 5 times but have always given them away cuz I'm afraid to take them. I've heard of so many people that have lost and are loosing weight with Alcachofa. Are you sure there is no side effect? One doctor did say that they do have side effects but did not say what type.

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