Arthri D Capsules For Arthritis (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI saw a tv ad and am interested to know if this is available in Canada? I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis in my knees and need some help other than drugs.
Please provide Arthri-D product information as well if there are any pricing discount's at this time.
Just saw an info commercial on
Arthri D and they have a 800-224-4237 number and you are supposed
to get a free sample. It's supposed
to grow cartlidge and lubicate joint
with all natural products.
Everyone keeps telling about the postage. Ok so the postage is more than stated. What about the product? Does it really work?
Diane, what did you find in your helaht store that worked for you?
I was contemplating using a product that has hyaluronic acid in it to supplement the glucosamine/condroitin/MSM product I take now. I have great results with the G/C/MSM with back, neck and even thumb joint. hyaluronic acid is actually something doctors are injecting in knees when the cartilage is worn down.
Anytime you can't get more information on a product - medical or natural - and yet a company still makes wild claims about it and even promises you specific guarantees that they don't live up to, is a product you need to stay far away from.
If you're looking for something natural and of quality that works, Metagenics is a very reputable naturopathic company that makes and sells high quality natural products to nearly every chiropractor and respectable naturopathic doctor in the country. Here's a link to their website: Metagenics joint health section.
If you're interested in buying any of these products or have any questions about them you can contact me.
Thank you so very much for this website! I have severe arthritis and would do just about anything to be able to function normally(even be duped by this infomercial).
I have tried the hyaluronic knee injections, and they did help a great deal, but like cortisone, it only lasts a few months. it was series of 5 weekly injections, that were very painful. i would like to hear more from the people that purchased the arthri d on whether they found any relief upon completion of their first bottle? also, what is the price of the arthri d if after the supposedly free trial?
Thank you all for your posting. It helped me to stay away from this attempting ad. Today I watched the 30 min ad on TV. And the phone # to call becomes 800/235-7946, different from what you all posted above. That tells me something! Also, what the speaker said about rheumatoid arthritis research is wrong. Indeed, there are a lot of research currently going on to study why and how your body starts to attack your own joints. And scientist are looking into how to prevent it from happening or stop it. I know that my colleagus next door are doing just that. You are right. Be aware and do enough research yourself before you can trust this product and the claims behind it. I hate it when they fool people who are already in so much pain and suffering. That's not what God wants us to do, right?
My question is directed at First Line Therapist. I am a 41 year old Canadian woman who was diagnosed with RA almost 13 years ago. I have been in remission for most of those years however 1 year ago it returned and with a vengenance. I'm scared about medicinal products currently on the market because of the serious side effects and considered the natural way however I was told they do not stop any damage to your kidney or liver. Is there any truth to this because if not I would prefer this way of treatment. Thanks for your assistance and information.
Thanks to all of you for your comments. These types of infomercials surely must be investigated before buying. I fond it more advantageous to work with a good well known naturopath in your community. It may cost a few bucks but in the long run you will be getting the proper treatment with a good quality product. Also, you have absolutely no recourse if things go wrong and from what some of you have indicated there are no knowledgable/reputable people at the other end of the phone who have any kind of authority either. I'd call it a SCAM simply because of this and stay away from it. As you'll notice on their website you can not find out the amount of each of the ingredients under the propriatary ingredients used which is one of the most important things. When you get no service, no knowledge, a website with not much detailed info. and you can't order it on-line yet - SCULDUGERY A FOOT!!!!
I just saw the infomercial on TV a few minutes ago about Arthri D and I tried to call the number they gave to call 800-233-7337 is just giving a busy signal. So I opened the website to see what was being advertised and they had a different number. When I called that number, it was giving a busy signal. I guess they are having many negative feed back.
Diane you stated that if we want to know more about the osteo arthritis medication from your health food store, to send you an email but don't see anywhere it can be sent.
Heres a different number 1800-451-0185
What is the product below you bought at the health store.
Thank you
Rick Petty
20 Diane Says: Report Abuse
Sunday, 10/10/2010 7:22:33 PM
I can't really sary that it made any difference. Fo the exra monet that I put into the postage ,I am dissapointed, but I have found something that is well worth it, & less money, & is at my health store. Results within 48 hoors. I just cannot beleive it, as I have chronic osteo arthritus. Myself & others that have tried it , also agree, that it is a wonderful product. If you would like to know more about it, just email me....
For more info Please email
Diane what is your product and the cost?
I'm new to this website, and I may be missing the obvious, so please forgive my ignorance, but--how can I find your e-mail address? I would like to receive the information about the product you're talking about.
In response to #20 or to Diane that had found something at the health store for osteo arthritis that worked very well. What was the name & the manufacturer? Thanks.
It is probably the exact same thing as the garbage I once bought at a pharmacy in the Cancun, Mexico Airport about 3.5 years ago. It's called ARTRIDOL there. Much cheaper there of course, but being that it didn't seem to help in any way, whatever it was I paid for it was even to much.
Please, please give me the name of the product that you referenced. Thank you in advance, Lorna
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