Aricept ODT Forums

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Is it OK to take Aricept 10 mg together with Excedrin PM ? ## Hi Mel, My findings state that there are in-fact unsafe interactions between these two drugs. Posted below are the precautions you should be aware of: "GENERALLY AVOID: Due to opposing effects, agents that possess anticholinergic activity (e.g., sedating antihistamines; antispasmodics; neuroleptics; phenothiazines; skeletal muscle relaxants; tricyclic antidepressants; class IA antiarrhythmics especially disopyramide; carbamazepine; cimetidine; ranitidine) may negate the already small pharmacologic benefits of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in the treatment of dementia. These agents may also adversely affect elderly patients in general. Clinically significant mental status changes associated with anticholinergic agents ca...

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