Are These Side Effects ?
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I wonder if anyone can help or advise me , I am in my late thirtys and I have been on Vyvanse for three weeks now. I have had bad pain in my upper abdomen which Dr cannot find any problem with ( scan ) and my hands shake very badly. Does anyone else have this , is it normal ?
4 Replies
I have a background in drug research and pharmacology - Ph.D. My advice is to stick with the standard form of the CNS stimulant drugs - either ritalin or amphetamine in their standard form. There is a lot of wisdom in the old saying "if it aint broken don't try to fix it. These new drugs which are altered molecular forms of old drugs (prodrugs) to lengthen their effect or to lessen the risk of abuse are solutions without a problem. Thee are only developed by drug companies so that they can make money. You run the risk of unknown effects with new drugs, and in this case for no reason. Stay away from them. Stick with the old tried and true drugs. Ritalin is a good drug. So what if you have to take it more than once a day because it only lasts 4-6 hours. View that as a benefit - you have more control. You can forego doses late in the day if the drug is interfering with your sleep. That is my advice to you and that was my advice to my children who have ADD.
I had a bloated, kind if cramps feeling in my stomach for the first several weeks. I think it is mild constipation, and I took stool softeners and fiber pills every day for awhile. After about a month, the pain went away along with the bloated feeling and everything is fine now. Be very aware of drinking lots of water. I'm sure you've noticed a dry mouth, too, and this will help your system regulate.
yes those are side effects that vyvanse can cause.... I had hallucinations with my 70mg dose... im going to the doctor today
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