Are These Temazepam?
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I have tablets which are round with a split on one side, on the other the markings 5k2.

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The 10 mg do say 5k1 on one side and a split line on the other.They are quite thick compared to say valium and the edges are beveled, the last time I was rx'd them they had a very slight yellow tinge to them, nothing like 5mg Diazepam, just an off white colour and were slightly sweet to the taste... Hope this helps you? Sounds like your on the correct med though just try and use sparingly to avoid addiction........

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I used to get APS blistered ones prescribed on a daily basis. APS is m and a holder, the valium are sometimes known as ww but are actually MA marked on the pills, not ww.

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They are a generic UK prescription. That's why not in the US database - but are 20mg temazepam.

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Yes, i've had the 20 mg ones too. They're not too bad, just thought I'd let you know.

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5k2 are temazapam 20mg white tablets, i am prescribed them myself, so they are the real deal. Not to worry, they will help u sleep!!

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I can't be 100% certain, since these aren't listed in the U.S. FDA or NIH, but from what I've found listed online it's claimed that these are 20mg Temazepam and there are 10mg one with the marking 5k1. Is anyone else familiar with these tablets?

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