Are There Any Generic Forms Of Oxycontin, The Oc Type, In Any Dosages?


Are there any generic forms of Oxycontin, the OC type, in any dosage? I remember that a while ago there were some generics out for this medication, but it seems like they have all disappeared.

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Yes, they have all been removed from the market, due to the ever increasing amounts of abuse, theft and diversion.

The time released formulation of Oxycodone is now only available in the name brand Oxycontin, manufactured by Purdue Pharma.

The basic idea was that if it's only made by one manufacturer, then it makes it much easier to keep track of the supply and prevent theft and diversion.


However, there are other formulations of Oxycodone, which are available as both name brands and generics.

There is an immediate release formulation, the name brand for it would be OxyIR and there is a regular release formulation, the name brand for that would be Roxicodone.

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Hi my name is Amanda and i live in hickory nc. my frien is on the oxycotin 60 mg pills but hes getting the ones with op on them. workmanscomp pays for all hismids but we are trying to find out how to get him the oc not op. could u pls see if there is some how he can find and get the oc because the op really isnt helping no better than what hwe was on and hes noticed a differenced in breathing like its harder to breath when he takes them.The meds he was on before worked far mored better. thanks

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