Are My 2mg Alprazolam Bars Fake?
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I posted about some G3722 potential fake xanax. They don't break on the lines at all and taste less bitter and a bit like soap. Somebody told me that they're just old/expired, and thats why they're so soft and taste different. I take a lot of meds and I'm worried what could be in these if counterfeit... Could they just be old? Please respond.
4 Replies
Re: XANAX MAN (# 3)
I just got a prescription of the G3722 that are white with rounded edges with sharp corners on the top and bottom of the sides. The back side also has a lifted center. From what I can tell from all I've read online they look real. They are not too hard to break but they also don’t just crumble if you squeeze them. And the BIGGEST issue I have is that it tastes chalky. And I haven’t been prescribed Xanax or alprazolam in years but I vaguely remember them tasting more bitter. Is this maybe just a new way they are creating the pills? Or am I getting 100% counterfeit ones? I took two about 45 mins ago (like I was prescribed) and I feel like I’m feeling something but not like I used to. Any info would be great in helping me out. But from all info I’ve found, they look exactly like the real ones. Stop sign type of G and there is a line on the top and bottom of the 7 like:
My biggest thing of all thought is they taste kind of chalky. Any info helps.
I just picked up G3722 2mg Greenstone Bars and they dissolve very quickly and have a sweetness to them but only for a second then it switches to the ungodly alprazolam aftertaste. Has anyone come across these??
To the original poster,
In my opinion, determining if they're real or not should at least in part, be based on where you got them from. Obviously if you filled a prescription at a licensed pharmacy they will without a doubt be real. However, obtaining them through any other means subjects it to the possibility of being counterfeit (which can be pressed to look like the real deal).
My question to you is, can you trust your source? And if the answer is no (which I'm assuming it is a 'no' since you posted here), then it would probably be a good idea to have the pill's contents analyzed by a lab or drug panel before putting your health, well-being, and potentially your life at risk without knowing for certain what it is you're taking.
These days, a physical description alone isn't enough to tell whether something is fake or real, simply because anyone can get their hands on a pill press if they wanted to... Not only that, but different substances (fillers) may be used to closely mimic alprazolams typical bitter taste. The soapy flavor you described is definitely a red flag in my book.
Be safe out there!
They are real. Relax. After taking it u will feel the stress lifting.
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