Are Doctors Beginning To Not Prescribe Methadone Anymore For Chronic Pain?
UpdatedI am 56 years old and am disabled due to a work-related injury therefore I am rich by no means! I have heard that they are considering taking methadone off the market due to too many overdose issues, plus people on it, get a prescription filled and sell it for profit making it even harder for folks like me who take my meds honestly as prescribed. If Methadone is removed from the market, what am I supposed to do? I already know I can not go off this stuff cold turkey and am scared. Does anyone know any doctors in the Warner Robins-Macon, GA area that prescribe Methadone ILLEGITIMATELY? I am not looking to sell meds, I just want to be sure I will not be in pain. I've been on Methadone since November 2008 and so far it works fine for me. I just neeed a backup plan just in case that does not involve a methadone clinic. Those clinics are no better than drug dens over charging for Methdaone and the one here in town never checks my vital statistics. They don't care... just want money. Any suggestions?
Any time there is a medication on the market that proves to be habit forming and addictive, there are people that want to get it removed from the market. If you search you will find the same type of thing in relation to all controlled substances on the market.
However, due to their necessity to the quality of life of many people, this rarely ever actually happens, unless a drug is proven to have unique dangers, with little therapeutic benefit, such as with Propoxyphene.
That said, yes, many doctors are reluctant to prescribe it for pain, due to the fact that is highly habit forming and addictive.
Really the best thing you can do is stick with a good doctor that knows your medical history.
Does anyone else have any advice to add?
Hi there, methadone is found to be less effective at treating chronic pain than standard time release morphine and has a few extra considerable dangers on top, the main prescribed strong opioids at the moment are oxycodone hydrocodone and morphine, they all generally give the same effect with similar withdrawal symptoms, methadone is now mainly used for treating opioid dependency not for actual pain relief
Scott: I am considering discussing with my PCP about changing my pain meds to Oxycontin but the issue would be at what dose for me. Presently, I am on 60mg/day on Methadone. I am just wondering if I should stay in that range strength-wise with oxycontin (20mg 3X daily?). I'm not the doctor so I have no idea.
I advise you ask for OxyContin and see how it works for you on a Lower dose, if you find it effective in anyway try increasing the dose and compare the effects, the best way is to keep a diary of the pain on a scale of 1-100 on both medications and compare which painkiller best suits your pain.
Methadone is actually considered stronger than Oxycodone, so if you take a 60mg dosage of Methadone, the converters show that you'd need 150mgs of Oxycodone.
Are there any other questions or comments?
WOW! According to the converter I would have to go to a level of Oxycontin I would be terribly uncomfortable with not to mention there's no way my doctor would prescribe that amount as it would be considered unsafe in my case. Thanks for the info, though. Guess I'll have to find some other way to get off this methadone and on something that WILL work on my pain without having to go through withdrawals in the meantime.JCDEQ
SCOTT: Just got your message regarding my switching pain meds from methadone to oxycontin. Ideally, I would like to be able to do this so, in time, I could titrate down to a level that would work for me by keeping out of pain but also without having to deal with any withdrawals from the methadone. It is my understanding that methadone stays in your system much longer than most medications as it is stored in your fat cells as well as the pain receptors in your brain. And the last thing I want to do is go to the local methadone clinic here in town as it gives me the creeps the way they treat their "patients."
Methadone is more potent but not actually better at treating chronic pain, different painkillers work in different ways, your best off slowly coming off methadone them switching, also have you tried pregabalin/gabapentin as a long term solution, their actually anti seizure medications but have prooved effective in treating chronic pain in over 30% of people who have frequent and unbearable pain.
Also yes methadone stays in fat cells for a very long time, its been known to make people fail drug tests despite them stopping the medication long store hand, and to cause overdose if for some reason all the fat cells release the stored methadone at once, high amounts of exercise can cause that to happen if I remember correctly
You know, I rue the day I ever got started on Methadone. It has caused me so much misery (family issues) and now I am told by my doctor I will probably be on it for the rest of my life. I'm so depressed now and constantly "out of it," that family members are always asking me if I am okay... I hate this feeling.
You need to tell your doctor if it's giving you an element that depresses you, have your tried anything with less side effects and less sedating such a tramadol ?
For the last 11 years, Methadone, at a relatively low dose, (with low dose oxycodone for break through), has allowed me to stay in the work force and contribute to my community in a meaningful way. Two months ago, the doctor at the pain clinic I have been attending for 11 years chose to switch all methadone prescriptions to Opana ER. He already knew that I cannot handle morphine, but for some reason thought Opana (oxymorphone) would work.
I had no withdrawal issues as he had figured out the titrration levels. However, as with morphine, my bowel just quit working. It didn't matter how much Miralax, Konsyl, and laxative tabletsI threw at it, it wouldn't budge. I had low dose oxycodone for break through pain, so I just stopped the Opana ER, took the mild oxycodone and kept taking the Miralax, Konsyl, etc. and waited. I had to switch to a liquid diet, so I wouldn't end up with an empacted bowel. After another week, my bowel started working again.
I saw the doctor the other day and he increased the oxycodone and put me on Mobic for the arthritis part of the combination. Well, as soon as I got home, I looked up all the contraindicatins for the Mobic. I have high blood pressure, have had a a stroke, have an ulcer and have a messed up kidney. The warnings were very clear, that I should not take Mobic. I also can't take enteric coated aspirin or ibuprofen, becuase they are dangerous when taking Mobic.
In the past month, I've missed work, in that I now can't last through the day. I had to drop out of a community panel on people with disabilities. I'm also part of a State wide Planning Council for people with disabilties. I couldn't attend that meeting either, because I can barely handle sitting in a cushioned chair for five minutes, let alone drive 60 miles one way and sit for four for the meeting
In less than two months, I've gone from being a vwey productive member of society, to coming home early from work and having to just lay on a heating pad for my lower back and wear an ice pack around my nek. My quality of life has plummetted.
I've no idea how to find a doctor who isn't terrified of the DEA. I'm sure there are a few within the state, but Lord knows, I've no idea how to find them. I want my productive life back. I'm bright, educated, 59 and if I can keep my pain lelvels down to something tolerable, I should be able to contribute well into my 70's.
This pain physcian witch hunt has got to stop. Those of us who never abuse are medications are being treated shabbily. It's like arresting bystanders, because they witnessed a crime. Sheesh.
Ricard M. No, they are not taking away methadone. Please don't ask for dr. names. to be posted. Ask and leave a e-mail address. This is how Dr.s get busted or every drug addict wants to see the doctor!!! Anyone who has real pain can go to a pain clinic, if they need something stronger than their real dr. is comfortable to prescribe!
Plz email with the clinic you used to see in New castle. I'm a pt at Thoroughcare over on Viking now. I'm having problems getting through when I see the NP-Owens-hardly can see dr Tilmans maybe your placw will be better. Pain is not fun ; (
ocycodone and even oxycoton is not the same you will need a stronger dose i my experience if your sr finds out that you have been on methadone it is a red flag that you have a addication problem so most dr will start all treatment
I am on 120 mg. of methadone daily I also have lots of medical issues and have been on this dose of methadone for 13 years can you send me some of the dr.s phone # also that may prescribe this in the Athens Ga. area.
Look in pain management database that writes "SUBAXONE" I THINK ITS SPELLED THAT WAY. It's exactly like methadone the write this for people to get off opioids. Hope it helps. There are special doctors who write this btw physiatrist can write it as an alt.
If anyone knows a dr in ga or tn area that prescribe methadone in at least 90mg please email me at {edited for privacy}. my dr can no longer prescribe my dosage in al
Susan Uhrich Lafayette la
Most Recent Replies:
Re: SoulSister (# 47)
SoulSister I’m under the St. Vincent’s umbrella just in AL & my pain doc prescribes me methadone although she only gives me 15MG a day & I’ve been a chronic pain patient since 1998 & was deemed permanently disabled in 2003 & I have been diagnosed with 60+ medical conditions. So them telling you it’s now corporate policy is horse hockey.
Like you I am a severe chronic pain patient for almost 30 years after almost being killed in a motorcycle accident at age 20.. I’ve had at least 7 surgeries on my back, shattered shoulder/ metal rods inserted into my legs to put them back together. I had a very bad head injury (230 stitches and staples) to put my head back together again and I’ve suffered from severe migraines and headaches ever since. I live in severe pain 24 hours a day 7 days a week since I was 20 years old.
I just turned 52 a couple of months ago. I don’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t in do debilitating chronic pain on a daily basis. After many years of trying a multitude of different kinds of medications and new therapies as they were discovered over the years. I’ve participated in several “Drug Trials” for Purdue Pharmaceuticals and the only one that worked was OxyContin 80mg pills. The dosage I took was one 80mg pill when I woke up everyday and another 80mg pill roughly 12/13 hours later. Usually an hour or so before I went to bed. I was also given 5mg Immediate release Oxycondone tablets for “Break Through Pain” which wasn’t very often because after a couple of weeks the extended relief pills that I had begun taking one every 12/13 hours had apparently “built-up into my body” my doctor said that too me and she was right.
I took this combination of medications and physical therapy for a good 9 years before suddenly the whole world and our own government decided that “Schedule 2 Prescription Narcotic medications” are now suddenly horrible evil medications now because there's some people that began abusing said pain medications for all of the people like me who suffer severe awful incredible pain conditions that have made me even consider suicide because I felt that I can’t live in this incredible pain situation for the rest of my life.
These Abusers have made life a living hell for people like me. I had to move because of the pandemic to Solano County California.
I desperately need a doctor here that will write for my pain medications. I have loads of proof in my medical files that prove my condition is in fact real and exactly how bad I’m suffering daily.. if anyone knows of a doctor anywhere in the San Francisco Bay Area tgst can help me please send me his name thank you for your time.
You can go to the methadone clinic. See if there’s any clinics near you!
My suggestion about methadone is if they are going to stop making it you need to slowly lower your dose slow and then get into a rebab to detox and figure out if subutex will help. Do not do it yourself or cold turkey this is one medication that you need help getting off and it will take 12-18 months for you to feel better I’m not just saying what I was told I’m saying what I know and it’s very difficult especially if you are a chronic pain sufferer.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
You can inquire about getting a pain pump implanted. They can tailor it to ur needs. I’ve had mine for many years. I even had it replaced after 7 years. I don’t worry about if I will run out early or if I lost or if someone steals ur meds. I only take one medication for any breakthrough pain I have. Best thing I ever did.
Re: Cherry (# 40)
I cannot believe how many mgs. of methadone most people are on or were on. My doctor has had me on it for 5 yrs. He started out giving me 30 mgs. a day but knowing what I had heard from others and the terrible withdraws from it I never took that much, the most I have ever been on is 20 mgs. a day. My brother, who is no longer with us, was on 70 mgs. a day and he ended up having to go to jail for something and had to go cold turkey. I have heard and read many times that methadone withdraws are the worst imaginable among all the pain medications. My doctor just switched me because I told him the methadone does not help my pain and never has and of course I told him this years ago but he only at the time prescribed this and Hydrocodone. He now has me on Oxicodone 10 mg. ER. Well it works o.k. for the pain, still doesn't take it all away but this medication makes me urinate way too much and when I go hardly anything comes out from the chemical binders/glue that they now contain to keep the addict abusers from crushing them and shooting them up or snorting them, whatever they do. I worked for 25 yrs with severe pain because I refused to take pain medication until I could no longer work and the pain was too much. I have spondolethesis, stenosis, scoliosis, arthritis and a fracture so I pretty much stay in pain from my back, also have terrible muscle spasms that lock me up and cause terrible pain. Legs and hips constantly ache too. I don't want to be all drugged up to where I'm in a stupor and can no longer decipher what's what, but there are people out there who do take pain meds just to escape reality and try and stay high, these are the ones who have caused all of this mess for people who suffer with real pain issues.
Re: Dylin (# 12)
Go see your primary Dr to get A referral to a pain management specialist good luck! when they change the law to 120 milligrams per day I was screwed I used to take 7 30 mg oxycodones a day and now I'm down to 4 a day. it helps with my pain a little but it doesn't take it away 75%I have a lot of physical problems doctor said he doesnt see me coming off of them. So I'm getting use to my life as it is
I was on Methadone for 6 years. The withdrawal symptoms are worse than other opiates. I was very leery when a colleague prescribed Subutex and then Suboxone. Suboxone is the same as Subutex but Suboxone has an opioid blocker. You feel it immediately when taken. If taken with opiates in your system, it will throw you into instant withdrawal. If you switch over, you will be amazed how powerful it is. Very similar to Methadone. Knowing it has a blocker in it, you will not want to buy or take any opiates because you wont feel anything. Switching to Suboxone, i did a 180 in my life. You can take opiates the day before but you can't take any the 1st day you take Suboxone. I wish you the best! God Bless.
I know each person is affected differently, but I've been dealing with Chronic Pain since '99 and in the first 3-4 years tried many pain meds. When put on Methadone it gave me my life back. Look at the conversion charts. Methadone is much stronger than Morphine. It also works on 2 receptors in the brain, all or nearly all others work on one. It also builds up in your system and has a much longer half life. Works well on my Pain and has greatly improved my Chronic Fatigue....
I have had the same Dr for 12 years and he calls me a Model Patient. Have never abused my Pain Contract in any way. Complied, never called early, no dirty drug panels etc..... We live in a small rural town in east central IN. He works under the umbrella of St. Vincent. A few months ago he informed me that St. Vincent would no longer allow their Dr's to Prescribe Methadone. He began weaning me and I just switched to Oxycontin 30 mg twice a day and kept my 10 mg of Vicodin for BT pain. I had been on 70 mg of Methadone. (had allowed him to drop my Methadone from 100 Mg's a day to 80, then 70 over last 3 years to stay off DEA radar).
My question is this, how can I find out if it is True that this is due to St. Vincent?? Or if maybe he has just become too overwhelmed with all the Strict Guidelines and Regulations in the past 2-3 years??? I would really like to Know, just for my own peace of mind, as well as how difficult would it be to find another Dr or Pain Clinic that would give me back my Methadone.... It has been a Nightmare this month with the switch. Even though I was down to 30 mg of Methadone when we made the switch. ANY Help would be Greatly Appreciated!!! Thank you.
Post 18,
Folks disregard this post. Subs are NOT just like methadone. Granted it's a dated post but some who come across erroneous information can be misled into initiating a treatment that is not medically indicated for their condition. Please post carefully. Thank you all.
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