Applying For A Chemical Plant Job...should I Tell Them I'm Prescribed Subutex??


Hey everyone i live in Maryland and i applied for a job with a plastics/chemical company in South-Eastern Texas. I have been clean from all drugs for years now except for Subutecs. I have been prescribed subutecs for probably 4 years now and am 100% sure thats the only thing in my system. I have to take a drug test friday and this is my question....should i give them the letter from my doc saying I'm on it and risk not getting the job because of it or should i not tell them because I'm hearing that for the most part it doesn't show up. This job is operating heavy machinery and on my script it says "be careful when operating heavy machines" or whatever. If it didn't say that on the bottle or i didn't think that some ppl would think I'm a risk not needed to hire because I'm prescribed this drug then i wouldn't even tell them. My doc who in my opinion is not the brightest in certain aspects of life thinks i should tell them and hold nothing back but others think i shouldn't even bring it up because I've heard stories of ppl not getting jobs operating heavy machines because of it. SOOOOOOO should i tell em or take a chance and not tell em!!!??????? PLeaseeeeeeee help with some 2014 todays world information pleaseeeee!!! Thank you

PS: sorry for grammatical errors freaks :)

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