Appetite Returned After 6 Weeks Of Use (Top voted first)


The first 5 weeks taking contrave I had no appetite. I dropped 24lbs in the first month and was only taking 1 pill twice a day. I just recently got a refill and it's not doing anything to decrease my appetite anymore. I upped to 3 pills a day still not working like it did the first month. Has anyone else have this same experience? If I keep taking it will it eventually decrease my appetite like before?

2 Replies

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This has happened to me and am looking for answers to this app can’t question.

I am wondering if I got to complacent because the first few weeks seemed so easy.

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Many people have reported experiencing this, after awhile taking this medication, and the FDA does warn that it can happen. You may also experience other side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability.

Are you both also watching your diets and getting plenty of proper exercise? Are either of you on any other medications?

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