Apetito Cyproheptadine Tablets
(Newest replies first)
Is it true that by taking this drug you will be able to gain weight, enlarge breasts and develop hips? If so, after how long from when you start taking the Apetito?
Can Apetito pills cause frequent urination and nipple pain?
Can I give Apetito to a 6 year old to help gain weight?
Is true that super apeitito can be used to enrage hips nd bums
Will I still be able to lose weight if i stop taking Apetito pills?
Is it true that Apetito works for weight gain? If so, where can I get them?
Can I take Apetito pills while breastfeeding? I have lost so much weight.
Is it safe to take Apetito weight loss pills while breastfeeding?
I have started taking Super Apetito every morning before I eat and my periods seem to have stopped as a result. Should I be worried?
Re: Jade (# 17)
Am on ARV'S is it good to take them?
Re: ALIA (# 34)
I want the numbers for how many to take as well.
How many pills am I supposed to take per day?
I started taking apetito but then missed my period. After 1 month my pregnancy test came back positive. Am I pregnant or could it be a false positive from the apetito?
Re: KAYS 2 (# 74)
Hi, am in south Africa how can you help me to get them over the counter? I believe it's cheaper there?
How many apetito pills must I take per day?
A three year old has accidentally taken Apetito. What should be done?
What are the side effects of Apetito tablets?
I'm pregnant. Can I take apetito pills?
I do not want to have big breast !!!!! I already have very large breast , taking the apetito will it increase my breast ?????? I want butt only not breast !!!!!!
Where can I buy apetito pills? I am at Newcastle...
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Are the side effects of apetito cypoheptadine tablets tablets permanent, because my best friend used them and one hip is...
take 1 by mouth twice a day to three times a day ## Cypro Info Click Here ## Hi I am actually trying to find out if by t...
What is the story with these tablets? Do you get a big butt and big hips? I'm very interested to know and am tempted...
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Could you be infertile if you use apetito, and will you remain slim if you stop them? ## Can apetito tablets cause infer...
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