Apetito Cyproheptadine Tablets (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Is it true that by taking this drug you will be able to gain weight, enlarge breasts and develop hips? If so, after how long from when you start taking the Apetito?

228 Replies (12 Pages)

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Please guys in april 2013 i requested if anyone can help me to the apetito and no replies. i still need apetito help me.

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Hi Deana I have someone supplying then to me in JHB.so I don't know how u get them

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were do i get these tablets in the UK ? if there is anyone in the UK who hs used them pliz contact me _ help me pliz >

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Contact number please I need these pills as in yesterday, I am in cape town

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I used apetito and I gained weight. I natrly had a nice bodi big ass and hip but bcz of dis pill its even bigger. Here in zambia its veri veri cheap

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These pills they just make you hungry so you eat more thus weight gain ,the is nothing like they make you grow hips it's just the weight you put own goes everywhere on your body and if u happen to store fat on lower body then you are lucky,no magic pill to grow hips

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I really need to gain weight, especially hips n bum,how can I get these apetito.

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Hi all of u looking for these pills, u can get them in central joburg, the street name in not sure, its the one parallel to bree street, straight down from MTN Rank, on the corner just before the universal church. theres a lady who sells them in the clothing shop at the traffic lights, hope this helps, but u will struggle with the belly, best advice start situps immediately. R20 a box of twenty and u will need to take about 2 or 3 a day, btw, they r illegal

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hi i am in capetown looking for appetito tablets where can i get them pliz help

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Is it safe to take apetito tablets while breastfeeding? I have baby of 21 days...and I'm a lactating mother... Can I take cyproheptadine 2 mg per day to increase my appetite so I can gain weight?

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It will make you gain wait in areas where you already have fat, thighs butt, breast but it dosent guarantee you will have an hourglass figure, you will certainly get a potbelly too

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this pill is dangerous as you put them in the rectum and the side effect is bad. please accept the way you are.

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Hey Kay do you need a prescription for Cipla Actin ... Can you get it in the USA

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Please help me. I've bought apetito pills and I don't know how to use them. Should I take 1 pill per day?

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I also got a pot belly in 4 days!! I stopped taking them, will the pot belly decrease?? I wanna go bck to my original body! :'(

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I'm proud of my. body. no need for apetito.We are all created in the image of God,so nothing is wrong with us

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You can find them at Dis-Chem pharmacies. Ask for Cipla Actin

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The annoying part is if you stop taking them you return back to normal

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Hi. Does apetito cyproheptadine mess up the effectiveness of an oral birth control pill?

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I'm pregnant. Can I take apetito pills?

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