Anzemet Forums
Recently active Anzemet forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Anzemet and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.this pill is either a peach colot or light pink very small, round ## From what I can find, this is a 50mg Anzamet tablet, it is used to treat or prevent nausea and vomiting. Learn more Anzemet details here. Side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth. Are there any other questions or concerns?
1 REPLY UpdatedScored with a 50 and an A ## Based on the description provided, I found your pink pill to be Anzemet (50 mg), which is used to treat nausea and vomiting following chemotherapy. You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you.
1 REPLY Updateda very little light orange pill with A on one side and 50 on the other ## Based on the description provided, I found your pill to be Anzemet (50 mg), which is used to treat nausea and vomiting following chemotherapy. You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you.
1 REPLY Updatedround purple tablet ## Based on the description provided, I found your pill to be Anzemet (50 mg), which is used to treat nausea and vomiting following chemotherapy. You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you.
1 REPLY Updated