Anyone Prescribed, Contrave As Well As Phentermine & Belviq At Once? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I began taking Phetermine in October of '14, weighing in at 272 big ones! Yikes! I had weight loss--but in December my doctor suggested we pair the Phen with Contrave. He said it would help in the evening when I usually like my snacks. My weight loss was minimal but still there. By Feb. '15, I'm down 55lbs, but again weight loss was moving slower. So my doctor wants me to add Belviq. I've been taking all three and so far no major side effects. Just thirsty for water.

I feel like contrave is supposed to be this miracle drug, but I don't feel like it does anything. Am I the only one being prescribed all these at the same time?

Side note, I just has full blood work completed to make sure none of my organs are shutting down from this. Since day 1, I've eaten better and less & work out 4-6 times a week.

Am I alone?

23 Replies (2 Pages)

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I stopped Contrave 2 weeks ago. Can I start taking phentermine now?

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Hello, Pennylane! How are you doing?

The biggest risk that I've found listed from combining them is between the Belviq and the Bupropion in the Contrave, because they can both increase serotonin levels, which could lead to serotonin syndrome.

However, if your doctor feels that you should try them together, then just make sure that they are monitoring your very frequently for any signs of this condition, such as increased heart rate, sweating, dilated pupils and over responsive reflexes.

Typical side effects of these weight loss medications, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness and anorexia.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have been on Cymbalta for about 10 years, at one time combined with abilify. The combo was short lived because my insurance would not pay for ability, but the Cymbalta is still in my system. I had a lot of dosaster in my life at the time and it just seems that my doctor didn't see any reason to stop the antidepressant when I questioned her about it. I am now interested in trying contrave because I have an on and off eating problem, but it has Wellbutrin and I want to stop the Cymbalta first. I am hoping that the amt of Wellbutrin will help with depression in case I need it. In the past 5 weeks I went from 60 mg to 50 to 40 to 30 and will begin 20 mg on Sunday. My new doctor prescribed Vyvanse because I am a bit ADD and it has now been FDA approved for binge eating. I have been taking it along with the Cymbalta for about 6 months and though it helps with alertness, it does nothing for food control (at least not for me). Because I want to give contrave a fair try, I am weening myself off of the Vyvanse also. Has anyone taken Vyvanse and contrave together? My doc said it probably wouldn't hurt but I need a more positive statement than that.

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