Any Way To Reverse Long-term Chantix Side Effects? (Page 15)


My mother took Chantix several years ago in an effort to quit smoking. Well, she quit for a year. During that time, however, she became unbearably depressed. She has no history of depression. She consulted a doctor several times and tried 3 different prescriptions, 1 of them being Zoloft. She stopped because she said they made her feel like she was just in a constant haze. She hasn't been to a doctor or a psychologist since then. In the mean time, she started smoking again because she thought that it would make the depression go away. It didn't. Because of her experience with the 3 prescriptions, she is unwilling to go back to a doctor, and dismisses any notion of going to a psychologist. Our family has pleaded with her to keep trying, even if she has to tell whoever she sees that she won't try any drug for fear of the side effects; even if her only option is therapy, we want her to at least see someone. She is reluctant. This side effect of major depression has persisted for years now, long after she stopped taking Chantix. Does anybody have any advice, or experience with the reversal of such severe side effects? My mother, and the rest of my family, is terrified that this is permanent, and she is terrified of the possibility that another prescription will result in even worse side effects.

296 Replies (15 Pages)

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Too many victims?

Do you know any story about Chantix? Who will tell the truth??

Please ask from Pfizer what will happen if start Chantix again ?????.....terrible neurotoxic poison!

Case Timothy Jones kills five of his children…..terrible! about victims Tim Canielson? Anthony Bourdain? Keith Sluder?

“Mays goes over a document saying Jones wanted to be prescribed Chantix again in February 2014, saying that it worked for him before but he stopped taking it. The document also says Jones told doctors he did not experience suicidal thoughts while taking Chantix the first time.”

So many victims because of Chantix….can not mix with synthetic THC….or alcohol….or anything.

SEEMS TO BE THAT NO-ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH. Silence because of Big Pharma…


Asia Argento is the only victim of Big Pharma…..very sad story. Anthony Bourdain died because of Chantix…….varenicline. Chantix is a neurotoxic drug and thousands of people have been seriously damaged or died because of that terrible poison. I know because I am a victim of Chantix myself.

CHANTIX IS THE BIGGEST SECRET OF BIG PHARMA……PFIZER. Pfizer has already sold their top modern Chantix factory in Germany… Russians… a company called R-Pharm.

They only try to make scandal around Asia Argento… no-one has power to investigate why Anthony Bourdain died……he died because of Chantix……it is the biggest scandal.

Just find out……Chantix horror stories….side effects….deaths….suicides…….and you can ask from FDA…….EVEN INSIDE FDA there is corruption.

Find out……if you are not scared…..this is the truth!

Source: "B.C. smoking cessation program, Pfizer's Champix drug facing questions". Web. July 3rd, 2015.

Best regards.

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Re: jim (# 279) Expand Referenced Message

What's happening Jim. I'm no expert, but I have come through the tunnel of darkness, not totally without minor issues, but there could well be some help here.
Please reply

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Re: Rioghann or Riegan (# 282) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, my wife used Chantix around 2008-2009. She didn't stop smoking and even though it has been 10 years, I believe her mental and physical health is all messed up. She has all the classic symptoms listed on the websites, high blood pressure, uncontrollable rage, to suicidal thoughts. I thought it would someday wash out of her system but it seems to be getting worse as I look back over the past 10 years. Any thoughts?

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Re: Jim (# 283) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Jim, I was put on a herbal supplement called Rhodiola Rosea..
I have been taking these for about 6yrs... it keeps me sane and allows me to manage the suicidal thoughts and rage. I have learnt, that if I feel good within, and I stop the herbal supplement, in a matter of weeks I go straight back to the abyss.
I really feel for you Jim, and your wife. It is not a very nice place to be.
Laura, was/ is a brain scientist, she said Rhodiola rosea was pretty much the one thing to take, to help get back into normality.
So I thank my Mother for putting me onto the supplement. She was a practicing Homeopathic.
I will answer you again later, with the make and amount of Rhodiola that I take, unfortunately I'm at work...

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Re: Jim (# 283) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jim, the Rhodiola Rosea supplement I take is in fact manufactured in the USA. Its called "Solgar" Balance Rhodiola Complex.. 1 or 2 caps a day with food..give it a couple of days to a week, you will notice a big change... I wish i never ever took Chantix, I only had it for 9 days, before I was ordered not to take any more by my doctor. If you scroll through the messages on here, I think my first was about 36 ish... please if you can read through these, you will see Lauras reply to me regarding the Rhodiola Rosea. My first few messages were signed off as Regan, then they were Riegan, and then changed again to Rioghann... dont ask me why, but for some reason, I got paranoid, anxious as F, then suicidal and angry... its a blooming horrible drug, and I have heard more bad experiences from people than I have of people giving up smoking.. Please keep in touch, Jim.

Kind regards,

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Re: laura (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

HI laura, are you still around, please. still havent been able to find you, I did however hear a radio show you did some yrs ago.
Would love to know if you are recieving these messages.

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Re: Jim (# 283) Expand Referenced Message

hi Jim
did you manage to get some rhodiola? I am keen to know how your wife is getting on

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Re: Regan and Riegan and Rioghann (# 287) Expand Referenced Message

Attorney Max Kennerly has told the truth about Chantix and corruption inside FDA !

Chantix, or varenicline, is a psychiatric drug with unknown effects on the brain. It works by inhibiting the a4ß2 acetylcholine nicotinic receptor. That’s the “on target” action. The “off target” actions of varenicline, i.e., the other stuff it does in the brain, aren’t well understood, but we know it has some. For example, a study in 2011 noted varenicline is “likely to have such off-target effects because, along with partial agonism of a4ß2*-nAChR, they are full agonists for the a3ß4-nAChR of autonomic ganglia and homomeric a7-nAChR found in brain and other tissues,” and researchers in 2013 found “significant activity at a7 and a3* receptors, which may limit their utility and generate side effects.” Earlier this year, researchers found varenicline could even inhibit sugar cravings.

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Re: Ben (# 288) Expand Referenced Message

It's a bit late now Ben... I think most of us have problems, thanks to Chantix in the US, or Champix as it is known as here at the bottom of the globe.. thanks to a find and the awesome help from my Mother, of whom studied Homoeopathy, found that taking Rhodiola Rosea actually helps the receptors in the brain, it also helps control the darkness and depression...
Interesting information, thanks Ben...
It's just a shame that the FDA has to use us as lab rats .
I'd love to meet one of them

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Re: Ben (# 281) Expand Referenced Message

Hey,this is Keith sluder,I know exactly what you guys are talking about,, went thru it...

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Re: Keith (# 290) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Keith, please read the report of attorney Max Max Kennerly Chantix...he has told the truth about Chantix and corruption between Pfizer and FDA. They are the biggest criminals ever. The side effects can be permanent as in my case. Chantix = varenicline is top-secret poison....containing cytisine and snake venom. Anthony Bourdain died because of this poison.....and too many other ones. I think I know your you have any help? Do you still have side effects? Chantix can make permanent damage in HPA-axis and pituitary gland......and this is everything top secret......Chantix patent will be closed soon. Take care!

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I have found 5-Htp to best the best antidepressant I have ever taken and it only took a few days to be effective. None of the nasty side effects. Can buy over the counter at health food shops. It is natural product made from seeds I think.

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I took chantix woke up in max.sec, nut but for 8 months with 22 charges, shot my 4 kids mom my wife attempted murder so forth it turned me into, a mad man as strong as 10 men chantix sent flunkies to, is responsible but took none they actually wanted me incarcerated for life. They are the lowest of the low. Greed driven evil criminals, gangsters. Their time is coming near for GOD will punish the wicked.

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I took it for 2 weeks and fell into the darkest black hole I ner imagined existed. I finally understood why some people commit suicide because if I had a gun, I'd be dead now! If my wife wasn't with me I would've walked 1 flight up to the roof and jumped? I tell everyone I know to stay away from this medicine even though a small percentage of people have committed suicide, one is too much. Not being able to quit smoking is far better than taking this poison in my opinion.

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Re: Keith (# 293) Expand Referenced Message

And you only got 8 months?

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Re: laura (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Laura, are you still around?

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