Any Pain Management Doctors In North Jersey (percoset)
UpdatedI'm in my mid 40's and had 4 back surgeries starting when I was 19 years old. Last 6 months I have pain 3 to 4 times a week. Around 4 times a month it's excruciating. Docs say it's scar tissue from over the years and I've been on tramadol and other meds with little success. Just need something a few times a week when pain is a 7 or higher. My Doc suggest pain management however did not recommend anyone in particular. Paterson area or within 30 mins away. Any recommendations?
1 Reply
While I have no doubt there are pain management doctors in that area, there are no specific ones that anyone can recommend as willing to prescribe Percocet. As a matter of fact, if you see one and ask for a specific medication, most of them will consider you to be a drug seeker, which will cause them to just reject the idea of prescribing it.
The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headache.
It is best to never request a specific medication, it works better if you let the doctor make a suggestion regarding what you should try.
Can anyone recommend a doctor in this area?
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