Anxit 0.25mg Tablet
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Dear Sir Whether intake of 50 tablets 0.25 mg of Anxit lead to death. If so within how many time it will take
11 Replies
I want to die
i have anxit tablet bt i dont no how much tablet take at a night for feeling so sleepy pls reply me
How many anxite .25mg tablets leads to death/coma?
I'm taking Anxit-0.25 mg 1 tablet in onece ..... If I take it 2 tablet in once then what will be that time????? Can I go for coma in 2 tablet ???? I mean if I take 2 tablet in once then it effect on my body very badly or not ????? and my age is 21 yrs. old ........ I'm taking (Alpazoam Tablets IP)Anxit-0.25.
My wife is pregnant (24wks). Yesterday while check up doctor said her BP is high 150/95. Scaning and blood test was conducted. After about 3 hours BP was again checked then it was 130/80. And all reports was normal, except the chances BP shooting up was seen in scan. After all discussion asked my wife to take anxit 0.25mg 1 in the night and 1 next day morning after food. Is it safe to have this tablet during pregnancy.
I am suffering from Yawning problem.At as time more 20 to 25 yawnings are coming every day I have consulted adoctor to control the yawning. He prescribed to take ANXIT 0.25 for 6 days. If I taken, any problem is there. Any other medicines are there to control the yawning problem.Please reply for it. Every test taken everything is normal.
For continuous yawning problem (at a time more than 20 to 25 yawning is occurred every day.One of the doctor is prescribed a Anxit 0.25 mg for six days to control the yawning. Any possiblities are there to cntrol yawning problem. If any other medicinies is there please mention the mdicine. All tests are taken. Everything is normal including sugar, Cholorestal
If I take 2 tablets of Anxit 0.25 in coffee. Can any side effect happened?
Once now I have taken 5tab 0.25 it is now dengerous for me plz reply soon
Anxit is listed as containing the active ingredient Flupentixol, which is an antipsychotic that is used to treat various mental health issues.
And that would surely be too high of an amount to take, at once and could put someone's life in danger, but there is really no way to say with any certainty, whether or not it will result in death and, if it does, how soon death may occur.
The effects it will have can vary from person to person, depending on their tolerance to the medication, their overall health and other factors.
Some people might just get severely ill, while others may go into shock, resulting in death, while still other people may just suffer organ damage, which could result in further health problems.
Are there any other questions?
How much intake of 0.25 mg of anxit may lead to death and within how much time
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