Antidepressants For Suicidal Tendencies
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I am 27 years old. I want to commit suicide now because I have been in depression for a long period. Can any medication help?

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Anti depressants saved my life but you may have to try several. Isee its been awhile since you posted this I hope you are feeling better. If not please talk to your doctor I swear you can have a happy and healthy life.For so many years I never thought it was possible.Best of luck.

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Suicide's not the answer & almost all Anti-Depressants are linked to serious side effects, No.#1 Suicide. I can tell you what saved my life. I was on 4-5 meds. that caused; Hopelessness, Audio & Visual Hallucinations & more.

I was seriously injured in an Negligent Work Accident over 16 yrs. ago, 24/7 Severe Chronic Pain, on highest pain meds since.. I've been "Abandoned" by various Dr.'s, recent 3 months now, without meds it could have been the end.

Thankfully, I can turn to Jesus anytime I feel I can't take anymore. Through Him, I can rise above my pain level, "He is Truly More Than Able" Ask him into your heart & Cast your Cares Upon Him & He will Set You Free. God is pulling me through daily as I look for a new Dr. who takes the Hippocratic Oath seriously.

Suicide will hurt everyone who cares about you, I know, I lost my little Sister to Suicide 2 yrs ago, caused by severe depression & anti-depressant side-effects. Even though I'm positive she's with the Lord in Heaven, it still hurts me. I'll be Praying for you & your situation. Please reply if you have questions, I will answer a.s.a.p.

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I was diagnosed with depression. I have this mood that sometimes I get so angry and feeling like committing suicide.. Is that normal?

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