Antibiotics For Infection Cefdinir 300mg
Updatedcan u take cefdinir 300mg for a absessed tooth
5 Replies
Cefdinir is a Cephalosporin class antibiotic that's used to treat various types of infections, so yes, it can be used for treating a dental infection. However, you do need to be sure that it is an infection that calls for an antibiotic and that you have enough of the antibiotic to completely a full course of treatment.
Learn more Cefdinir details here.
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Can I take cefdinir 250ml for an abscess in my mouth caused by a bad tooth my face is swelled..I'm allergic to penicillin... I'm 34 years old In so much pain from this
Yes you can!!!!! I've done it before & actually doing it now. I've had tons of toothaches & in 1 week I'm having ALL teeth pulled- YAY!!!! I'm getting implants. I'm terrified but this week's toothache has taken all of that fear away. Oh, if you can get a Xanax script from a doctor- it helps relax the pulsating in the tooth/gum.
Can cefdinir be used to treat bacteria vaginitis. I've had it for years in the meds they give me not working. Wonderi g if this one will.